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“What?” Sienna shrugged. “He looked like the guy from my one and only recurring vision. Since when did I have to worry about touching people?”

“In some cultures,” Maya said, “that would be incredibly rude.”

Sienna rolled her eyes. “In some cultures, your lack of hospitality would be incredibly rude.”

Piper pinched the bridge of her nose. “All right. Fine. I’ll concede there might be another interpretation.” She heaved a breath and locked her stare again on Fenn. “I apologize, Fenn. I look forward to better getting to know you this weekend.”

“I’m curious,” Maya said when Piper was done. “I’m sure finding someone who might be immune to such a restrictive ability is shocking, even overwhelming, but it still seems like a leap to suddenly agree to spend the entirety of a holiday weekend with strangers. What made you agree?”

“He’s too used to being alone,” Sienna said. “I badgered him into submission.” There was enough truth in that simple statement to be believable, especially for people who knew her well.

Fenn lifted his cider from his knee. “Please continue your holiday celebration as you normally would. It’s not my intent to be intrusive.”

Her sisters fell quiet and nearly the entirety of Johnny Mathis’s “Winter Wonderland” filled the air between them as they finished off their hot ciders. Sienna found herself tapping her shortly trimmed nails against the mug of her cup to the rhythm of the classic song, the fading scent of spiced apples and cinnamon seeping into her soul.

She always felt so nervous about the idea of coming back to her hometown, and yet as soon as she allowed herself a moment to breathe, she was always grateful for it. For as much as she enjoyed the big city and its surplus of opportunity, Fort Veyelsa was home. The place that held all of her best memories. The place where her sisters lived and worked. The place she always returned to, and probably someday would choose to stay. Once she felt like she’d seen enough of the rest of the world.

Finally, Maya stood. “It’s late. Why don’t we all get some rest.” She smiled toward Fenn. “We always do a big breakfast on Sienna’s first day home, so be sure to wake up early with the rest of us if you want to put in your order.”

Sienna slipped her hand free of Fenn’s and hopped to her feet. “At least give me a proper hug first, sis.”

They embraced, squeezing tight, then Piper edged her way in for her turn. Everyone’s mugs were scooped up, the way the music was silenced, and Sienna held a hand out for Fenn once more. “C’mon, I’ll show you the way.” Since Piper was still in the kitchen, probably finishing cleaning up an afternoon’s worth of baking, she kept her grin small.

Sienna led him quietly up the wide staircase to the second floor, across to the narrower second set of stairs, and up to the third floor that was essentially hers when she visited. It boasted one of the two primary suites, the smallest guest room, and an absolutely fantastic office of sorts that allowed her to make the best lit videos when the sun was out. All of which worked out well, since Piper preferred the main floor suite, anyway.

Sienna motioned to the half-open door that led to the guest room. “That’s the bedroom my sister is definitely hoping to pretend I’m guiding you to, and if she asks, you are also aware of the jack-and-jill bathroom that connects it to the office space down the hall.” She motioned with her free hand as she talked. Then she tugged him through the open doorway nearest her and said, quieter, “And here we have Sienna’s Suite.”

Fenn rumbled, his lips twitching. “What exactly makes it sweet?”

She rolled her eyes at his pun but played along anyway. “Me, of course.”

He leaned in and brushed his lips over her ear. “Sweet is too tame a word for what you are.”

Anticipatory shivers danced down her spine and Sienna lost a beat catching her breath before she managed to tilt her head enough to bat her lashes up at him. “Aw, then what am I?”

He locked his stare on hers, his gray-blue eyes burning. “Delicious.”

Heat flashed through her system. Her pussy ached with want at the memory of his mouth on her earlier. It was downrightunfairhow immediately aroused she’d become.

Fenn stepped closer, pulling his hand from her loose grip in order to take hold of her hips and tug her forward. Up against his chest. “Let me touch you again, Sienna.”

Her breath faltered in her chest, but she tried to play it cool. “It’s a mutual exploration, baby. Go sit on the edge of the bed and spread your legs for me.” She had no idea where the take-charge impulse had come from, but she opted to roll with it. She gave him her best sultry look, knowing full-well her usual attempts at seduction involved alcohol and impulse.

But this one seemed to work, because Fenn hesitated only a moment before releasing her and stepping toward her king-sized mattress. A swirl of darkness lifted around him as he moved and by the time he’d accomplished his task he was gloriously nude, his dark hair loose and hanging around his pale shoulders. The contrast of his hair against his skin made it seem like his eyes glowed at her as he watched her, waiting.

Sienna licked her lips, took two seconds to turn the deadbolt on her door, and kicked off her shoes. Her cold weather layers had already been discarded, so peeling her long sleeved shirt over her head and shimmying out of her pants was easy enough. She let it all pile onto the floor and, for the time being, left herself in her bra and panties. It was a flirty set, she didn’t mind letting him see her in it. In fact, she quite appreciated the way his erection seemed to twitch as she approached.

Her hands landed on his shoulders and she teased her lips along his jaw and down his throat, grinning at the low groan that vibrated his chest. He trailed a hand up her spine until it was tangled in her hair and growled her name.

“Patience, baby,” she murmured into his skin. She let one hand travel lower and gently swept her fingertips along his length. “You’ve earned a reward, I think.” She ran her tongue across his collar bone just to hear the way his breath would catch, then dropped completely to her knees.

Every time she touched him it was like fireworks exploding under his skin, warming him in an almost searingly hot way he wasn’t used to. It was an instant addiction. But the sensation of her feminine hands stroking his dick? He couldn’t have imagined the pleasure that would bring. The tightness with which she gripped him, the pace with which she pumped the length of him, over and over. She rolled her thumb over his head and he groaned again.

He wasn’t prepared for her to replace her hands with her mouth. She swept her tongue in wet strokes across his length as she leaned forward, slowly working the entirety of him inside. In seconds she was bobbing her head on his shaft. He let out another long, low groan, feeling the pressure within him building.

“Sienna.” It was the only warning he could offer. He wanted nothing more than to tighten his grip of her hair and bury his aching dick deep in her throat.

She moved her hands to his thighs, fingers splayed, holding him tightly as her lips and tongue worked him up. She retreated enough to tease his head with a dance of her tongue, swallowed him again in an almost swooping motion, and then she sucked. Her cheeks hollowed. Her nails dug into his thighs.
