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“Just one more switch to go,” I said.

He looked up. “Again, I feel awful for keeping you here until so late.”

I felt awful for giving him such bad news after only meeting him for a couple of brief moments. “No apology necessary. I got work that needed to be done out of the way.” I paused, remembering that I left the three piles of papers on the sofa. “Well, mostly done anyway.”

Lucas chuckled. “Well, if there’s anything you ever need. Please give me a call.”

“I don’t have your number.” I blurted out the sentence before I realized what I’d said. Heat sizzled my skin. “Um…I didn’t mean it like that.”

His smile threatened to undo me again. Lucas tilted his head and said, “No going back now.”

I laughed. My mind raced ahead of me. I was envisioning sharing deep sensual kisses with Lucas, and our bodies pressed against each other in a naked embrace. But those images were only a fantasy. It disappeared seconds later.

Lucas strode over to me and we exchanged phone numbers. I was careful not to look him directly in the eyes or have my fingers linger over his hand as I helped him record my personal details.

After I switched off the last light, Lucas opened the door. Maggie and I ventured outside. Lucas joined us. He waited as I locked up the clinic and stuffed my keys into my pockets.

“The offer to walk you to your car still stands. Or, if you need a ride somewhere.”

“I’m ah, I’m just going upstairs to Lydia’s.”

His head bobbed up and down like one of those toy bobblehead dolls. “Right. Right.” Lucas gazed down at me for a moment. Finally, he said, “I don’t know if this would be some violation of doctor patient relationship, but could I take you to dinner while I’m in town this week? I feel like it’s the least I could do to say sorry.”

“That’s, really sweet, Lucas, but—“

“But you have a boyfriend.”

“I don’t,” I said, clarifying immediately. And also, a little too eagerly.

“It’s not appropriate because you’re my dog’s vet?” Lucas said.

I blushed. There’s no ethics code I’d be violating for saying yes. I almost spoke, but then he continued.

“Not that one either? Let’s see. I came up with a slew of reasons why you might turn me down while I was waiting for you to grab your coat. I could keep going?”

Laughing, I said. “I might like to hear a few more of them.”

He pulled a face. “Don’t tell me I’m not your type.”

I’m sure Lucas was every woman’s type. Even if I’ve been too consumed with the clinic since moving to Covington Falls, I have to admit that I haven’t given much thought to dating again. One dinner with Mr. Hottie shouldn’t be a huge distraction now that the clinic is officially closed for Christmas.

Suppressing the urge to shy away from a chance to spend more time in the company of such a sexy man, I drew in a breath and said, “Actually, dinner would be nice, Lucas.”

His eyes went wide. “Great!” Lucas twisted from side to side, peering up and down Main Street. “Whenever we’re in town, we usually just eat at our parents’ house. It’s been a while since I…” He trailed off and his eyes reconnected with mine for a quiet moment. Then he sighed. “How about tomorrow night? I know the perfect place. I can pick you up.”

I nodded. “Sure. I’ll text you the address.”

With a wave, Lucas led Maggie down the street. We exchanged one last smile before I turned down the passageway next to the clinic. Climbing the staircase, I felt giddy. Another smile parted my lips just thinking about Lucas’ invitation. The thought of having dinner with him made my heart race until my mind wondered.

Would it be a fancy dinner, or low-key? What the hell should I wear? Wait, was he just asking me out because he felt obligated to apologize? Or did it mean something more?

I groaned. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew I was overthinking the entire thing.

Lucas lived in L.A., the city I’d just abandoned. Although the Valentine brothers came from a humble upbringing, Lucas was really, really wealthy now. He probably dated models and actresses. Super glamorous women who looked super glamorous all the time. My hometown of L.A. was full of them, and since he was a minor celebrity, I’m certain Lucas could have his pick.

And not to mention that after the holidays, he’d be leaving Covington Falls.Whatever might happen tomorrow night won’t amount to much more than a really nice meal. If I’m lucky, we’ll have a nice conversation.

