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“So, he’s guilty, huh?”

“Yes.” He nods. “It’s hard to see his side, to have compassion. I don’t exactly want to be the defense attorney in this scenario.”

“Sounds like you’re between a rock and a hard place,” I say.

“One thing’s for sure, at least I’m learning what types of law I don’t want to practice. When I become partner and can have more of a say on what cases I do and don’t take, I’ll be happy to work on the more enjoyable things, like tax law, or property rights stuff.”

“It all sounds unenjoyable.” I make a cringey face.

“But I like it. You don’t know enjoyable until you’ve read an eighty-page brief on a decades-long property line dispute.”

I laugh. “I’ll keep baking cheesecakes and trying to break into brand management, thank you very much.”

There’s a whoosh of air as the kitchen door opens. It’s not Camilla, but Elijah, and I’m embarrassed that Theo and I were standing so close together. Maybe he didn’t notice.

They say hi to each other and do a bro handshake sort of deal. The number one rule of nature is that guys can intrinsically do those little, complicated handshakes, no prep necessary.

“How did the deliveries go?” I ask him.

“Fine.” He pauses as he takes off his coat, one I recognize as something Jesse used to wear. “Do you need me to take these cheesecakes to the event tonight for you?”

“No, I think we’ve got it covered, Elijah. Thanks.” I glance around the room. “I think that’s all we have for you today, unless Camilla says otherwise.”

“She was counting batches of shortbread.” Elijah hangs up his coat. “I am not going back in there until she’s finished. She shushed me even before I said anything at all.”

Theo and I laugh. “The counting is an intense job,” I say.

“Why don’t you have Elijah bring the cheesecakes over tonight?” Theo asks me. “That way we won’t have to worry about them sliding around our cars.”

“I’d love that, but I don’t know if he wants to wait around. He wouldn’t need to bring them for at least another hour or more.”

“I’m good to wait. I can clean the bathroom or do whatever you need. I’m happy to stay.” There’s something in Elijah’s eyes. Almost a pleading.

“Well, I mean, I guess that would be great.” I flick a glance at Theo then turn back to Elijah. “Except, I’ll pay you for driving the cheesecakes over. This isn’t a Shorty’s thing, it’s a festival thing.”

“Elijah was telling me he’s been wanting more hours,” Theo says.

“I’ve been meaning to bring it up again.” He sways a little from side to side, his arms crossed over his chest. “I need all the money I can get. My mom recently got a second job, but she won’t get a paycheck until the middle of December.” He swallows hard and then, as if he said too much, he tries to backtrack. “But I was also thinking about getting one of those early morning jobs at the pasta factory, just to supplement this one.” His smile is an attempt at brightness, but I can see through it. My heart plunges to my stomach.

“I didn’t know that—” I stop myself. Elijah is eighteen. He doesn’t want sympathy from me. “I’ve heard good things about working for the pasta plant. But yes, I’d love to give you all the hours we can. Sometimes it will be more, sometimes fewer.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. I don’t mean to cause any issues.”

“You’re not,” I insist. I give him a small slug on the shoulder. “Elijah Fleming, you can come to Camilla or me anytime, okay? Don’t hesitate. You’ve been an amazing delivery professional. We gotta help each other out.”

I smile and look at Theo, but he’s looking past us, a million miles away. I have to clear my throat to get him to look at me.

He does and then turns to Elijah. “Would you be interested in custodial work at the firm?” Theo asks Elijah. “My boss needs someone new.” The look Theo gives him is heavy, like he understands something neither of us do.

Elijah looks surprised. “Yeah, as long as it wouldn’t interfere with this job.” He glances over at me, and I offer a smile.

“I think it would only be for a couple of hours in the evenings, on weeknights,” Theo says.

“But you’re young, Elijah. You don’t want to be working all the time. You gotta go have some fun.”

Elijah’s mouth tightens in a line.

“But you need fundage for the fun, right, Elijah?” Theo pats him on the shoulder. “I can send an application link to Aria, and she can forward it on to you. And I’ll put in a good word with Weatherby.”
