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Camilla nods. “We’re here for you, Elijah. Let us know if there’s something we can help with, okay?”

“Thanks.” Elijah’s voice is gruff. “I should go home. My mom’s working for the after-hours clinic tonight, so I need to feed my sisters and make sure they go to bed on time.”

“Your mom’s fortunate to have you,” I say.

“Yeah, well, I might be the man of the house now, especially if dad goes to prison. They’ll probably get divorced.”

There’s nothing to say to that. We sit there, the silence engulfing us, until Camilla straightens. “I can give you your paycheck early. I’d be happy to do that if it would help?”

“No.” He gives a quick shake of his head. “But thank you.” He stands, mumbles “I’ll see you in the morning” under his breath, and leaves.

After he’s gone, Camilla lets out a long, slow breath. “I can’t believe it. This is awful.”

“There’s got to be something we can do. Maybe an anonymous donation? Maybe we could do a fundraiser for the family to help them get through the holidays.”

“Yes. That’s a great idea,” she says.

“Except, Camilla? You have zero time. Like none.” I pat her shoulder. “How about this? How about we try to add them to Santa’s Helpers. That way part of the donations at the festival could go to them.”

“Can you do that?” Camilla’s expression is doubtful. “The festival is starting. And Elijah’s dad’s case has been in the news. I don’t know how understanding the community will be, you know? Would people be concerned about helping a family whose father is accused of theft?”

“I don’t care,” I say, my voice getting louder. “Elijah, his mom, and sisters did nothing wrong. I don’t think we need to mention it at all. They’re a family in need. That’s it.” Possibilities start forming in my head. “We can do this. I don’t think it’s too late to add them.”

I stand, my mind a jumble of ideas. I have to help the Flemings. And I’m going to start by talking with Theo.

Chapter 25


New Hedge isn’t famous only for its Charles Dickens Christmas Festival, we have other cool things here, too. Like a world-renowned duck pin bowling team—a team of eight sixty-somethings who won the championship in Sioux City, Iowa last year. And the Lucky Cosmos, a mom-and-pop burger joint where the vinyl booths are made to look like flying saucers and the servers are dressed up like aliens.

It’s epic. And the fact that Aria wanted to eat here makes her that much cooler.

“I’ve got to admit, I wasn’t sure you’d go for the Lucky Cosmos idea.” Aria slides into the booth and does that shifting, sliding, moving thing. Is it ever not awkward to try to get from pointAto pointBin a restaurant booth?

“Are you kidding? The burgers here melt in your mouth.”

“I’m a slave to the fries, personally.” She brightens in a smile, but then the corners of her eyes pinch together. “Theo, it’s crazy you’re Elijah’s dad’s attorney.”

A burn moves across my chest. “Yeah.”

“Elijah’s great. It’s unfortunate that the family is in this position.”

I pinch my inner cheek in between my teeth. I have to control myself. There’s something about criminals that makes me petty. “Elijah is an awesome kid.”

“He is. He’s always on time, or early, for his shifts. He goes above and beyond to get things done. He’s even good at cleaning bathrooms. His momma taught him a thing or two.”

We order our burgers and fries, but somehow have the good sense to order water cups instead of the soda or milkshakes that look so good.

Aria’s wearing a thin, burnt-orange sweater and jeans with holes in all the right places, so I can see her strong thighs. Her hair is in a loose braid that hangs over one shoulder. I can hardly stand how beautiful this woman is.

We’re discussing her marketing program when a waiter wearing a green and silver alien costume brings out our food.

“Your burger good?” Aria asks around bites, bringing up a napkin to dab at the corner of her mouth. I try not to be distracted by her lips.

I nod since I’m still trying to chew. Once I swallow, I respond. “No news is good news on the festival, I guess. Seems like it’s happening. You ready for it to open?”

“I’m excited. But I’m not ready to give up my co-host title on Christmas Eve.”
