Page 44 of Christmas Crisis

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He covered her body with his, mentally braced for the sharp, painful impact of being struck by a bullet.


Squashed between the unyielding floor and Joe’s hard body, Elly couldn’t scream. Could barely breathe as she struggled to comprehend how the shooter had found her.


“Officer needs assistance! Gunfire at the City Central Hotel!” Joe’s tense tone broke into her thoughts. He’d managed to maintain the presence of mind to call 911.

She tried to lift her head but couldn’t. Joe was stretched out on top of her.

“Stay down!” His curt voice left no room for argument.

“Maybe we should crawl to the bedroom.” She didn’t want Joe to be hit by gunfire either. And the way he was protecting her left him vulnerable.

“I need backup.” Joe was still talking into his phone, although she didn’t think he was still on with the 911 dispatcher. “Shooter on the south side of the building.”

It took a moment for her to recognize Steele’s voice responding, “Be there in five.”

The news that Steele was close helped calm her racing nerves. Yet she needed to breathe. “Up,” she croaked.

As if finally understanding her dilemma, Joe lifted himself up onto his elbows, taking the brunt of his weight off her. “Stay down,” he repeated. “He could still be out there, and I don’t want to give him another target.”

It was both humbling and horrifying the way Joe put his life on the line for her. Well, probably more so for Rhy than for her. “I’d rather get out of here.”

“Not yet.” Joe didn’t move. “Steele will be here soon.”

She didn’t like it but decided to let it go. He’d promised her brother to watch over her and would die to keep that vow. All she could do was to put her faith in God and in the members of Rhy’s tactical team.

Please, Lord Jesus, keep us all safe in Your care!

As the seconds ticked by with agonizing slowness, she understood these relentless attacks against her wouldn’t stop until she was dead, or the shooter was arrested.

And the way things were going, she felt certain the first would happen before the second.

In that moment, she made a silent promise to kiss Joe again before she was taken from this earth to be home with Jesus.

Surely, he wouldn’t deny her that much.

“Joe?” Steele pounded on the door. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Joe crawled over her to cross the room. At the door, he stood in a crouch and let Steele in. “Thanks for coming.”

“We need to get you both out of here.” Steele’s tone was just as grim as Joe’s. “Let’s move.”

“Anyone out there searching for the shooter?” Joe asked as he grabbed the computer, tucked it under his arm, then crossed over to help her up.

“Brock, Grayson, and Raelyn.” Steele glanced at her. “Where’s your coat?”

“I’ll get it.” Joe thrust the computer at his teammate. “Keep her close.”

Swallowing hard, she huddled beside Steele. “I don’t understand how this happened.”

“It shouldn’t have.” Steele scowled. Before he could say anything more, Joe returned with her winter coat.

Her hands trembled as she pulled it on. The extra layer of fabric didn’t offer any additional warmth. The temperature in the room wasn’t the problem.

It was the situation that had chilled her to the bone. Leaving her to bleakly wonder if she’d ever be warm again.
