Page 61 of Christmas Crisis

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“Thanks,” she murmured, zipping it up over the vest.

Joe and Steele donned their jackets too, then made their way through Rosie’s Diner. The place was hopping, so they didn’t have a chance to tell Rosie goodbye.

Outside, Joe clicked the key fob to find Quinn’s SUV. Soon they were buckled in and heading toward the precinct. Elly folded her hands in her lap, feeling nervous about seeing the Christmas parade shooter in person.

As if sensing her distress, Joe caught her glance in the rearview mirror. “We’ll make sure you’re behind the two-way mirror so he can’t see you.”

“I understand.” She put on a brave front.

“Too bad we can’t do a lineup,” Steele muttered.

“I know, that’s my fault for showing Elly Colton’s photo,” Joe agreed. “But we’ll get him. He may spill something during the interview.”

And if he didn’t? Elly didn’t voice the thought.

Joe escorted her to an interview room. Through the one-way glass, she got her first glimpse of Peter Colton in the flesh. The minute she saw him, she knew he wasn’t the shooter.

She didn’t have a photographic memory or anything like that. But the image of the gunman was indelibly etched in her mind. There wasn’t time to say anything to Joe or Steele though as they entered the room, joining Brock and Colton.

They introduced themselves, then sat across from the former cop.

“Do you want a lawyer?” Joe asked.

Colton crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t need one. I didn’t shoot anyone. You don’t have anything on me other than some vague similarity to a sketch. I’m not your guy.”

She continued to listen as Joe, Brock, and Steele questioned Colton.

“Were you at the Christmas parade?” Joe asked.

“No, I was home. Alone,” Colton added. “I had no reason to go to a stupid parade. I don’t even like Christmas.”

“Why were you fired from the police department?” Brock asked.

Colton scowled. “I’m sure you know that already. A lowlife scumbag claimed I used excessive force during his arrest.”

“Did you?” Joe asked.

Colton narrowed his gaze. “I don’t have to answer that.”

There was a long moment of silence as the four men stared at each other.

Finally, Joe slid the photos of the dead skaters across the table. “Do you know these victims?” Elly caught a glimpse of surprise and shock in Colton’s eyes. As if he couldn’t believe how brutally they’d been murdered.

“No. Why would I?” Colton shoved the photos back. “I already told you I wasn’t at the stupid parade.”

“You’ve never seen them?” Joe pressed.

Colton shrugged. “I may have seen the ice skaters on TV. They’re in a commercial I think, aren’t they?” When Joe didn’t respond, he added, “Seeing them isn’t knowing them. I’ve never met either of them in person.”

“Do you own any guns?” Steele asked.

Colton snorted. “You found the rifle and handgun. They’re both legal and registered. You have my concealed carry permit. No, I don’t have any other guns.”

The guys asked several more questions before Colton himself ended the interview.

“Enough.” He scowled. “I’ve cooperated with these ridiculous allegations. You can either arrest me or let me go.”

“You’re not finished until we say so,” Brock challenged.
