Page 139 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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Her lips trembled as I stopped in front of the dais, my hands clasped behind my back.

Theron regarded me with a grin. “I’m glad to see you recovered, Your Highness.”

My hands flexed as I remembered the feeling of Theron’s throat being crushed by my shadows. “Likewise, Your Majesty,” I said with a smile. I dipped my head, gesturing to the bruises that were still visible above the collar of his blue jacket. “Shadows do always leave such a lasting mark, don’t they?”

Theron lifted an eyebrow as his grin dissipated. “Oh it’s nothing, I assure you. I like to wear such injuries, like a badge of honor.”

“Indeed.” My gaze strayed back to Elara, whose eyes were still fixed on me, her hands clasped in her lap.

“My fiance looks beautiful today, doesn’t she?” Theron said, turning to look at her. “We had to cancel our engagement party after our little scrap.” He turned back to me. “But now that you are recovered we can proceed with the arrangements.”

“How wonderful for you.”

Theron laughed out loud. “Now, now, no need for cynicism, Rook.” He rubbed his chin, and gave Elara a sideways look. “Dear one, you must be glad to see your Bonded up and recovered again?”

Elara’s eyes dropped from my face, to her clasped hands, and she nodded. “I am, Sire.”

“Won't you go and give him your hand?” Theron asked, gesturing to me with a nod of his head.

Elara sucked in a breath, wincing. “Sire, I’m sure this isn’t necessary.”

“Go on.” Theron lounged back in his throne, wings spread wide behind him. “Show the court what a Fae Bond looks like. They’ve never seen such a thing before, not up close like this. What a spectacle.”

My fingernails were biting painfully into my palm. Gods I wanted to tear him to fucking shreds, and the mark on my arm burned as those murderous thoughts raced through my head.

With a sigh, Elara rose from the throne and walked towards me slowly. With every step the coil between us wound tighter and tighter, the ache almost taking my breath away. The courtiers were totally silent, as though awaiting an explosion, or fireworks.

Elara stopped in front of me, her eyes lifting to gaze at me. A single tear ran down her cheek as she gave me a small smile.

“My love,” I murmured, my hands dropping to my sides, fighting the urge to take her in my arms.

“Are you alright?” She asked me.

I nodded.

Her eyes darted around us, her lip trembling.

“Hey.” I smiled at her as her gaze landed back on me. “It’s alright.”

I extended a hand to her, and she tentatively took it. The feeling of her skin blazed through me, heating my blood, longing and sadness flaring at the back of my skull. Her fingers curled around mine, holding tight, and she took another small step closer to me. Her chin was mere inches from my chest. I wanted to crush those trembling lips under mine, hold her in my arms, feel her skin and smell the delicate scent of roses in the crook of her neck.

Theron broke into applause suddenly, and Elara jumped, that movement jerking her against me. Instinctively, I put my arm around her shoulders, and a collective gasp went up from the courtiers. Elara tried to step out of my grasp, but I couldn’t let go of her. I was frozen with her in my arms, and she realized it too, because her head fell against my chest as she began to sob.

“Oh, I must say, this is most curious.” Theron rose to his feet. “It truly is something you cannot fight. Look at you now, holding your future Queen like she is your lover, with no fear, right in front of your King.”

“What else can you do to her that you have not already done?” I asked. “What else can you do to me?”

Theron shrugged. “I wouldn’t doubt my creativity if I was you,” he said. “She is strong, but everyone has their breaking point. Everyone has their weakness, and I am rather skilled in discovering precisely what that weakness is.”

Elara’s hands grasped onto my shirt as another sob burst from her. I clutched her tighter to me, my fingers tracing over the back of her neck gently.

“It’s alright,” I murmured, lowering my mouth to her ear. “It’s alright, my love.” More lies. It wasn’t alright, it was far from fucking alright. Theron snapped his fingers, and footsteps thundered towards us. Elara's head snapped up to look at me, panic twisting her tear-stained face.

“Rook,” she gasped.

“The temple,” I murmured. “Meet me there.”

Guards tore me away from her, one of them yanking Elara’s arm so she stumbled.
