Page 152 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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I’m so sorry, my love.

Don’t apologize to me. You tried. They were ready for us, that’s all.

Theron is going to throw me into the Pit.

I felt her gasp, and there was a torrent of fear welling in my chest.

What for?

I sighed.I don’t know.

That dragon said there is a plan. What do you think he meant by that?

I didn’t even dare to hope that there was a plan that ended with Elara finding freedom. The dragons had no reason to want her free, if anything they had even more reason to want Elara destroyed than Theron. I didn’t trust anyone anymore.

I sank to the floor, draping my arms over my knees.


I’m here. I’m here, my love.

Don’t die down there.

I couldn’t help but smile.I’m not as strong as you, Osunon.

Don’t you dare die down there.

The door flew open, and guards crowded into the room.

“On your feet, Norahi.” One of them gestured sharply. “Up, now. The King has a little game planned for you.”

They’d all love to see me fail. They’d all love to see me die. But I was ready to set this entire palace on fire to get her out of here.

I just had to pick my moment.

I was escorted to the armory, where I was provided with leathers. I never fought in leathers, and these ones were tight and uncomfortable. My ax was nowhere to be seen.

“I need a weapon,” I said to the guard as the Velesian crowd above us broke into excited cheers.

He waved his hand in the direction of the tunnel that led into the Pit. “It’s out there waiting for you.”

“Worried I’d lay waste to you all, ey?”

The guard scoffed. “Go on with you then. Have fun dying.”

I advanced down the tunnel, into the darkness. I thought of Elara, standing behind this iron door, waiting for it to rise. I thought of the fear she must have felt. The bravery she had shown in the face of death.

Be ready.

There was no response. A terrible thought crossed my mind - what if she wasn’t here? What if she was drugged in her chambers, locked up and guarded?

I gave myself a shake as the door began to rise. She was here. She was alright. Theron wouldn’t miss an opportunity to torture us. She was merely biding her time. It was going to be alright.

The Pit was a vast desert, tall dunes rising either side of me as I stepped out into the light. The sky had become overcast, heavy gray clouds rolling in. Thunder rumbled in the distance, followed by a roar. I recognised it instantly. A shadow passed over my head, and the rush of wings told me the dragon was circling above.

I walked out, the sand giving way under my feet. My ax lay waiting just beyond the door, and I welcomed its weight in my hands, spinning the rough wooden handle a few times. I turned to look up into the royal box. The last time I had been down here I had saved Elara from that Arachne. Now I stood here alone, looking up at Theron, who was wearing a large golden crown on his head. Elara was in the seat beside him, thick golden strands wrapped around her.

They’d bound her to the chair. They knew she’d throw herself in after me without hesitation. She’d done it before. Theron had learned not to underestimate her.
