Page 40 of Unbroken

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A bolt of awareness lit the synapses in his brain. He didn’t want to get involved with Savannah for many reasons, but the idea of her being with someone else—especially Rami—drove him wild.

He half grinned. “Why so curious about Rami?” All right. He was pathetic. If she was into someone else, he’d have to stand back. Maybe switch places with Rami, or—

“He’s slightly terrifying,” she said solemnly. “I figure he has a dark story.” No sign of attachment rang in her words. Just curious indifference.

“Don’t we all.” He cracked open the bottle and drank the bubbly liquid, wishing it’d do more for him than wet his throat. “Why’s he terrifying?”

Her eyes rounded. “Besides the face tattoo, he’s just—I don’t know. Looks like he hates everyone and is a loose cannon.”

Toth let out a laugh. “Bingo.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “He’s that bad?”

Toth set down the bottle. “He’s not if you’re on his good side. Rami is intense, and... scarred. But he’s loyal and stands up for what he believes in. He’s alone. His only family, a sister and a cousin maybe, are overseas. But dude cooks a mean Lebanese meal.”

Her mouth quirked. “Somehow I don’t see either of you cooking.”

“You underestimate me.”

A coy smile played at her lips. “Wrong. I’ve got you perfectly pegged.”

Interest flared in his gut. “Go on.”

She feigned an expression of outrage. “No way. I’ll keep that to myself, thank you. Besides, you think you have me pegged too, so unless you want to open that door...”

He snorted. No, he absolutely didn’t. If he started talking about what he thought of Savannah, he’d have her naked on the kitchen floor.

He had it bad.

“We’d better not.”

Her face turned somber. “Wise decision.” She swept her gaze around the kitchen as an awkward silence fell around the room. She shoved her hands in the back pockets of her yoga pants, the action thrusting her chest forward. A deep rumble formed in his throat at the sight of the outline of her nipples.

“I should probably call my dad. I’m sure he’d like to hear from me.”

Now that was a surefire way to shoot down a guy’s erection. “Sure.” He dug out his encrypted phone and passed it to her. “Just be careful what you say. My line’s secure but we know his is questionable.”

Her fingers brushed his as she accepted the device. “Thanks.”

“Don’t say anything about Lionsgate,” he said.

Her gaze turned as sharp as glass. “Why?”

Shrugging, he pushed his hands into his front pockets. “I don’t want your dad to think we’re doubting him. Besides, we need to be careful what we say on the phone.”

“Okay,” she said, drawing out the word. “I’ll be outside.” She flashed him a smile and made her way across the kitchen then opened the back door. Pausing with one foot outside, she peeked around the door. “Oh, I meant to ask. Does your hot tub work?”

Lust made his dick hard again. “Yeah,” he said, before his brain could stop his tongue.

She made a face. “Shoot, I forgot about the stitches. Tomorrow, maybe.” She slipped outside, and he set the bottle on the counter and ran his knuckles over his jaw.

Now he had to break the fucking hot tub.

He was fighting a losing battle.


Before calling herdad, Savannah phoned Lach. Men’s voices in the background told her he wasn’t alone, so she kept it quick and told him she was fine and she’d talk to him soon.

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