Page 13 of Unwrapped

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I grasp the sheet so hard that I feel it tear under my fingers, shredding into pieces like all the barriers we put between ourselves and the outside world.

“Petrol,” I whisper, hungry and begging.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Michael. My name is Michael. But you can call me Daddy.”

“Oh my god!”I scream as he reaches so deep inside me it feels like his dick reaches all the way deep inside me, implanting himself on my soul. My pussy tightens and he grinds inside me, hitting a spot that makes me see stars right before a bomb detonates.

“Yes, yes!”

“That’s right, baby girl. Come for Daddy,” he grunts and hits me one last time before I feel him jerk inside me and warmth hits my walls, setting off a pulsing pleasure that washes over me in waves.

He falls across me and I wrap my arms around him, my eyes drifting shut. I’m half-asleep when I feel him lift me and carry me back to my bed, something warm and wet rubbing soothingly at my inner thighs. Then a big, warm body climbs in and curls around me. His lips touch my forehead and he whispers, “I love you, Addie.”

I curl into him and smile, slipping into sleep.

Waking hours later, I realize that we never fed the puppy.

Petrol is out like a light and I don’t want to wake him so I slip on his shirt and pad downstairs. Snow flies as I open the back door. I shiver as the wind sneaks up my shirt, goosebumps rising immediately. The night sky is almost completely lost in the white flakes.

The puppy whimpers, crawling from under the dumpster. He yips and wraps himself around me, his fur tickling my bare skin.

“Stop that,” I mutter. “You’re gonna knock me over.”

He whines at me and pounces as soon as I drop the plate full of chicken in front of him. “I’m sorry we forgot you, little guy. But…”. My cheeks heat up as I lose myself in memories, quick flashes that make me hotter than hades. The cold air can’t even dampen the rush of lust that fans over me.

“I knew I’d find you again, you whore!” I turn and something dark comes over my head as a glancing blow hits me, knocking me off-balance.

“Shit…”. That’s the last thing I say or hear when he hits me again. But I know that voice and I know that the devil has found me and I’m never gonna make it out of this alive. Darkness drags me under and I slip into its welcoming arms.



Ijerk up out of a sound sleep, something ripping me awake immediately. I look around and don’t see Addie anywhere. My hand slips out and I realize that the bed is ice cold. She’s been gone for awhile.

I slip out of bed, unease creeping across me like a cold wind, chilling my soul to the bone.

Something’s wrong. But at the same time that I’m thinking that I can’t help wondering if she snuck off. If she’s left me and disappeared as she’s probably done many times before. To many people who love her.

I jerk myself up and suck in a startled gasp. I said it last night but it just felt right then. Now I’m sure of it.

I love that girl. That damn girl that took off and left me holding my dick in my hands while she took my heart and ran.

I stalk to the door but stumble to a halt when I see the corner of her bag peeking out from behind the couch where it’s been since she got here. I pull it out and see all of her things are still inside it. None of her few clothes are missing but my shirt is.

I glance around and see her shoes are by the door where she always leaves them when she gets home and kicks them off.

She sure as hell wouldn’t leave without clothes and her shoes. I suck in a breath and let it out slowly, trying to think. My eyes go back to her bag. What if there’s something hiding in there that will tell me what she’s running from? Should I look?

I know I shouldn’t and if she is furious with me when she gets back upstairs, I’ll understand.

But the need to figure her out and protect her against everything drives me and I pull it back, opening it and shuffling through it. There’s not much here. Just her clothes and a picture. A pretty woman with cold eyes and a half-smile on her face. I study it, sure this is her mother and trying to find anything that reminds me of my Addie.

Her lips are thinner but the shape is similar. Her eyes are more narrow but they’re the same shade of blue. I look closer and realize that she looks tired. There’s a shadow there that I’ve seen in Addie’s eyes too. Like she’s afraid of something.

I pull it out and something falls out from the frame it’s in. A crinkly, folded paper that I unfold and read, my eyes narrowing angrily.

Her stepfather. That asshole is pushing her to marry a man old enough to be her father. A man that he owes money to.
