Page 19 of Unwrapped

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“I love you, baby!”He moans and his forehead touches mine as he falls across me, breathless and sweaty.

“Merry Christmas, Santa Daddy.” I sigh and close my eyes, happy and relaxed for the first time in my life.

I’m finally home where I belong. Safe and snug in Daddy’s arms.

Want more Christmas Falls? Up next is His Miracle by Euryia Larsen!

Epilogue: Petrol


Ican’t help smiling as I walk in the door of our little farmhouse. We had to move out of the upstairs apartment at the shop but we kept it for a little escape when we had a spare minute alone.

Barking erupts as Arthur charges past me, his nails skittering on the wood floor.

My twin daughters chase him but I reach down and catch them up, one in each arm.

“What’s going on, girls?”

“Nothing,” they both chorus innocently.

“Don’t let them fool you. They were trying to give Arthur angel wings and paint his nails.”

My brow lifts at them and I have to struggle to keep a straight face. So much innocence.

“Are you lying to Daddy?”

Both girls sigh and then my oldest by two minutes smirks. “Sorry, Daddy. But Arthur really wanted his nails red.”

“I think he’ll be fine without that. How many times do I have to tell you girls to be nice to Arthur. He’s very special to me and your mom.”

“We know, Daddy.” Cecily sighs and hugs her arms around my neck, melting me into a big puddle of goo. “Sorry, Daddy,” she coos and pats my face.

Off to the side, I see Addie roll her eyes. “Everyone get in the tub or Santa’s not gonna have time to deliver your presents tonight.”

Both girls squeal and kick their legs to get down. Within seconds we’re alone and I pull Addie in for a hug. “Get them in bed early and Santa Daddy will have something special for you this year, baby girl,” I whisper in her ear, smirking when she shivers and her blue eyes darken to sapphire.


“Always, baby. I always keep my promises to you.”

She kisses me, her lips soft and delicate, her body lush and more curvy than it was when we met.

Her pregnancy was a rough one, thanks to the twins and we decided not to have any more kids. Got the big snip-snip because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect my baby girl.

I finish dragging the presents from the basement rec room and then hide them behind the furniture until we’re sure the girls are in bed. They’ve been getting pretty insistent that they want to stay up and see Santa and I don’t quite trust my little devils not to stay awake and sneak out here.

After I peek in and see that the girls are all tucked in and sound asleep, I pat Arthur who’s parked outside the girls’ room, his head on his paws, nails not blood red. He woofs and then settles back down to guard my little ones.

I open the bedroom door and there in the glow of another Christmas tree is my pretty girl, all dolled up in a pair of red lace thigh highs trimmed with white fur at the top and a little lace dress that barely covers her lush thighs, her rounded ass peeking out when she turns around and smirks at me, a candy cane between her lips.

“Unwrap me, Daddy?”

Mere minutes later, I’m buried nose-deep in her sweet pussy and she’s singing like a choir of angels so loudly that I’m damn glad I put in some noise-dampening foam when we bought the place.

Her pussy flutters around my tongue and she grabs my hair, tugging hard as she comes all over me, her juices dripping down my chin, trapped in my scruffy beard.

She’s still limp and shaking when I pull her over on her stomach and lift her ass up so I can drive my dick straight home where he belongs. Pounding into her, I lean over her and nip at her ear, whispering, “Tell Santa Daddy what you want for Christmas, baby girl?”
