Page 5 of Unwrapped

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I’m safe from everything but my own wanton thoughts because I can’t stop thinking about a big, scarred warm body hovering over me in a soft, cozy bed and my body is humming like a live wire as his hands touch me in all the secret, filthy ways that no one ever has before.

I don’t stop him in those damn fantasies and I’m pretty sure if he ever touches me, I won’t then either. I shouldn’t want any man after what I’ve gone through but this big, hulking man makes me want to experiment, play.

There’s nothing playful in his light green eyes. “Go take a shower, half-pint.”

I scurry out of the room and behind the first door in the hallway, slamming it shut and leaning back against it, my heart hammering, my eyes closed.

I open them and see my own reflection staring back at me from a mirror over the white sink. My blue eyes sparkle and my pale cheeks are flushed. My dark eyelashes keep fluttering like the wings of a butterfly. My chest is heaving and my whole body feels electrified.

I turn to the shower and rip my clothes off, hopping inside and hoping to scrub all my dirty thoughts out of my head.

Instead my hands feel like his hands and I groan, so tempted to let my fingers wander.

Instead, I push it all out of my head and scrub off quickly. I need to get myself under control before I do something stupid with that hunk of meat out there and fall for him. He’s just a man.

You can’t trust a man. No matter how nice they seem. I learned that lesson the hard way.



Adeline stares around at the shop, her eyes wide.Fuck, she’s beautiful!

Her sky-blue eyes are so bright and clear that it’s almost like looking into the cool, clear water of an alpine lake.

Fuck, I sound like a lovesick asshole.

My guys, also from the club, Teach and Zero head straight for me, their eyes locked on Adeline’s slender figure. My eyes hit them like a laser beam and I snarl at them before they get to us.

“Back the fuck off, you two.”

Zero’s dark eyes widen and he grins like the evil troll he is. “Oh, so that’s how it is.”

Addie’s eyes ping-pong back and forth between the two of us. “What’s he talking about?”

“Nothing, sweetheart. Why don’t you go check out the office? That’s where I could really use some help.”

“Okay.” She walks away, turning her head back to keep an eye on me as I nod and shoo her to the little office off to the side of my garage.

I whip around as soon as she’s out of sight. “What the fuck is up with you pair of hyenas? You trying to scare the shit out of her?”

Both of them continue staring at me like I’ve grown two heads. “You seriously can’t drag a pretty little thing like that in there, snarl at us and then expect that we’re just gonna crawl off with our tails between our legs?”

“Addie doesn’t need you guys’s shit. She’s got a lot on her plate.”

Teach’s silver eyes narrow. “Is she alright? What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s fine. As long as whatever the fuck she’s running from doesn’t show up before I convince her to tell me what the hell it is so that I can fix it.”

Teach’s narrow lips twist into a snarl. “You need help, boss? We got this.” His big arms cross over his bigger barrel chest.

Zero is smaller than him but not by much. He’s scruffy and broad, a good-hearted guy with a great sense of humor but you couldn’t tell it by the look on his face. His dark eyes are serious and cold. He’s actually called Zero because he gives zero fucks about anyone’s opinions about him. It’s actually his favorite saying.

He grumbles under his breath, “If you need help with the little lady, we’re happy to help.”

Sighing, I shove my meaty hands into my hair and tug hard at it. It’s a little longer than I usually keep it thanks to having no time to take care of anything but the shop. “I know you would gladly help me. Hell, the whole club would. I know that. But I also know that if we come at her, she’s gonna clam up so fast it will make your head spin. She’s a stubborn little thing. I know it’s fucked up but for some reason I keep picturing what my little girl would look like now. If she’d lived that long.

I shove that shit way the hell down. As fucked up as it is, I don’t really see Addie as my daughter. I see her as adorable, sweet, tempting and so damn gorgeous it’s got my mind whirling. But not one iota of me thinks she’s my daughter.
