Page 11 of Love Unscripted

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I stand there watching my sisters’ excitement over having families. When will my time come? Will it be years before I can add a cousin to the family? Will my sisters’ children be teenagers by then?

I tried dating apps after my last boyfriend, but I've been single for a while and would still rather sing karaoke in front of millions than try a relationship again. I don't trust men right now. But I’m sure there are good ones out there somewhere. Adam and Dalton are proof.

Pam tucks her phone into her handbag. "Sorry, Trina. This day is about you." Her gaze travels over my dress. "I love that one."

"Behold, the chosen gown," I say to my sisters.

Melanie's eyes widen, and she seems taken aback by my decisiveness.

Smoothing my hand over the silk, I turn and step out of the change room to model for the shop assistant. "This is the dress."

There are murmurs of approval from everyone—including from those behind the pesky cameras hovering around us.

At the back of my mind, I see Liam smiling at me from the end of a church aisle. I blink that disturbing vision away. Who cares if he likes the dress or not? I'm doing this for me and my career. Instead of a wedding mud cake, he can eat dirt. His little plot is doomed to fail because he doesn't know how competitive I am. Sweet revenge will be served, and I'll be the one dishing it out.

Chapter 5


I’m getting married today. I’ve been telling myself this all morning, but it still hasn’t registered. I caught sight of the wedding cake earlier and nearly fell over in shock. I scoured the tables around the sugary tower and even called the bakery to confirm the lava cakes. She told me the producers canceled the cakes and chose the giant thing instead. Something about the show-stopping piece being a better fit than gooey chocolate.

Pity. I’d been looking forward to sharing a lava cake with Trina.

What is wrong with me? I’m not supposed to be enjoying this. It’s an invasion into my personal life I never asked for. The crowd gawks at me, and I swear I feel judgy eyes.

I fiddle with my bowtie and stick a finger into my collar. “Why do they make these things so tight?” It felt fine an hour ago, but now I can’t breathe.

My brother Clay rolls his eyes and smacks my hands away. “Leave it alone.” He points toward Mom and Dad, sitting in the front row. “Smile at the parents.”

I do as I’m told. They look pleased as punch. By the way they’re grinning right back, you’d think I’d never won a state championship or brought home enough money to buy myself anything I could ever want. I grew up with nothing. Landing a spot on this team has been the golden carrot at the end of the stick. I’ve chased this dream from day one. Which is how they roped me into “Bride at First Sight.” Ugh.

I stuff my emotions deep down where they won’t affect my expression. This whole thing is a sham. I know it, Trina knows it. My parents act like I’m madly in love with the infuriating reporter. No way, no how.

“How are things at work?” I question my brother to distract myself from the cameras. I’m used to them, but not when the setting should be an intimate one. Trina did an amazing job. The place is beautiful. I try to take it all in, but my gaze bounces around faster than I can dribble a basketball down the court.

“I’m not talking about work on your wedding day.” Clay harrumphs and straightens my tie. “Can’t believe you’re doing this.”
