Page 4 of Love Unscripted

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But the show isn’t live yet. Or is it? I hope not. They have time to pick another lady. Start over.

The TV host greets me with a kiss to each cheek. "Congratulations." He twirls me to face the ballroom attendees. "Liam Ashley has selected his bride." He glances at the place where a name tag should be. "Tell us a little bit about yourself. Beginning with your name."

I grit out a smile. What should I do? How do I say this?

Liam wraps his arm around my waist and I stiffen. "She's a little on the shy side. It’s what attracted me to Trina in the first place." He kisses my forehead. "Take a deep breath, you can do this. For us."

My neck snaps in his direction, and it takes every ounce of my self-control not to tear him to shreds in front of millions of Americans. No. He will not win. He will not make me look like a fool on national TV.

I manage to moisten my mouth and free my tongue enough to speak. "Are you sure you know what you're getting into? You’re making a big mistake. I can get a little crazy at times." I let out a weird cackle, more than a little unhinged.

He chuckles too and swivels toward the host. "And she has thebestsense of humor. I'm one hundred percent certain I've picked the right woman. The next three months will be marital bliss."

Martin Cortez laughs. "Settle down, Liam. We have several challenges coming your way." He directs his gaze to the camera. "We won’t make it easy on the newlyweds. We will put their new love to the test to see if arranged marriages can still work in twenty-first century America. Each week, a new challenge will disrupt their lives. We’ll throw in a few unexpected surprises when we need to shake things up a little. Tune in each week to see if Liam and Trina can stand the test of time. As of tomorrow, they’ll have only seven days to organize their wedding. Will they survive their first week? Text your answer to the short code on the bottom of the screen, 1 for yes, 2 for no, or go to to make your vote.”

As Martin finishes his statement, a wave of panic crashes over me. Wedding preparations? Arranged marriage? I stare at Liam, desperately searching for any sign that he’s only joking and doesn’t want this either, but he stands there with a confident smirk.

"Wedding preparations in seven days?" I choke out, my voice trembling. "There's been a mistake." I squint at the crowd and wriggle my finger. "Princess Leah. I mean, Lily. She'll make a better match for Liam."

Lily’s head perks higher at the mention of her name.

Liam's smile falters, and he places his big hand on my arm. "Trina, we can make this work. Don’t doubt yourself. We'll figure it out together."

Martin jumps in. "Ah, Trina, sometimes love finds us in the most unconventional ways. Open your heart and give this arranged marriage a shot. This could be the best decision you've ever made. Life changing, even."

I'm trapped, caught off guard by the pressure and millions of viewers watching my response. Alarm bells ring in my ears, and my thoughts race. How can I make my mouth move to get out of this?

The host's voice booms over the loudspeakers, "Well, America, it seems Trina is a little speechless. Let's give her some time to process everything. We'll check in with the couple tomorrow and see if she can find her voice and embrace this incredible opportunity. For now, they have a romantic evening ahead of them." Martin turns to Liam with a wink. "Your limousine awaits."

What the—? The show host winked. In front of my mom who's possibly watching. Like a tornado has caught me in its whirlwind, I'm swept through the crowd, hustled down corridors, and out into the brisk night air. My brain is fuzzy, but as soon as the door closes behind us, I turn to Liam and let him have it.

"What the heck, Liam Ashley!" I yell so loud, my lungs hurt. My voice bounces off the thick tinted windows of the mobile palace. "Did you orchestrate this whole charade to get back at me? Are you that petty?"

Liam's cocky facade cracks, his eyes revealing a hint of guilt as he fumbles for an answer. "Trina, please. Let me explain. I wanted to prove to you how there's much more to me than what you wrote in that scathing article."

I narrow my eyes, not buying his excuses. "Oh, so you knew I would report tonight and decided to take your revenge? Well, congratulations, buddy. You've managed to make a fool out of me on national TV."

He extends his hand toward me. "Trina, it wasn't just about revenge. I genuinely needed a chance to prove you wrong, to show you a different side of me. I hope at the end of the three months, you'll rewrite the article."

I scoff, pulling away from his touch. "Prove me wrong? By subjecting me to this ridiculous spectacle. Sorry, Liam, but your plan backfired."

My phone buzzes with a message, and I check the screen. It's my boss, Mike, asking about the progress of the show. Anger surges through me. Liam had colluded with the network to create this entire scenario.

"You manipulated all of this, didn't you? You and the network, trying to humiliate me for daring to write a truthful article." I glare at him, my voice shaking.

Is that remorse etched on his face? "Trina, I didn't—"

I hold up a hand. "I'm stuck in this mess. But I'm a woman of my word, I. Will. Not. Let. You. Win."

I dial my boss's number, my fingers trembling with the adrenaline pumping in my veins. "Mike, I've been set up, and I want out. Did you see the show?"

Mike sounds grave on the other end. "Trina, I had no idea this would happen. I'll see what I can do to rectify the situation. But if I can’t fix it, we could make it work. This could be a great opportunity for all involved."

I nibble the inside of my cheek. Was Mike in cahoots with Liam and the show as well? “Call me back when you have answers. Thanks.” I end the call.

As the limousine rolls on, I’m hit by a barrage of embarrassment, betrayal, and determination. Liam may have set the trap, but I refuse to let him dictate the course of the next three months.

With a deep breath, I turn to him. "You thought you could get away with this? Oh boy, you're in for a wild ride. You'll be marrying a reporter who will dig all sorts of nasty dirt on you. If I have to plan a wedding with you, you will hate every second of your existence."
