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They were kissing long before the credits rolled and the preview for next week played.

“We can watch it again later,” Paige said through a playful nip, her leg swinging over Rhea’s waist as making out became easier. “Unless you don’t want to.”

She must have meantthis,although Rhea’s brain didn’t know what to register. All she knew was that there were lips on her mouth and a hand on her thigh.

It never took Rhea long to get in the mood when Paige showed this side of her. Besides, Paige Powell was the best kisser in the world.Thatwas the real reason her wife wanted to write under that name.

Best kisser. Best lover. Best friend.

Rhea distracted herself long enough to fumble for the remote and turn off the TV. As silence filled the living room, the married couple renewed the noise with tiny squeaks of excitement and the couch leather straining beneath their mutual weight.

Paige was tentatively excited to get upstairs and take this night to the next stage. The allure of puremaking lovehad eluded her for a long while, but that also wasn’t what she anticipated when she got off Rhea and motioned for her to follow the night into the bedroom.

Hell, Paige didn’t usually get this turned on while cuddling on the couch. Hadn’t that been one of the issues over the years?I need something new. Something that speaks to a part of me I didn’t know existed until now, when I’m staring down the barrel of forty.For the first time in years, Paige felt like there waspotentialin her life. Not only her romantic life, either.Everything.

And she wanted to share it all with Rhea, the woman who always looked at her like she was a decadent dessert to savor for the rest of the night.

Paige had been thinking about it all day, honestly. She knew that tonight was their assigned time for each other, nothing else, and her imagination had been in overdrive ever since. It got so bad at work that she had to set aside some of her administrative tasks for the next day and instead focus on a hardcore workout that would help ease the feelings reverberating through her body.Then I come home and find all of these sweet things my wife has done for me…Her favorite meal. Her favorite show. Commenting on her body, kissing her like that… Paige had missed this. She missedherself,the horny temptress who could go all night long.

For a while, she assumed it was simply her getting older. Her body changed, after all. But that past month had shown her that the old Paige Powell may have been lurking within her all this time, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

Rhea knew all this, too. Since that night at Hellfire, they had made more efforts to openly communicate what was going on in their minds and lives. One thing Paige had brought up – and Rhea hesitantly agreed to try – was introducing more kinky adventures into their love life. Particularly at home, where Rhea was more comfortable leaving her comfort zone.

So she probably wasn’t surprised when they got to their bedroom and Paige showed off what had come in the mail earlier that week.

“You went ahead and got it, huh?” Rhea attempted to hide the twitching in her face, but Paige noticed.I shall now ignore it unless it becomes a bigger issue.“Have you opened it yet?”

Paige flipped open the top of the box to show off that she had, indeed, opened it. “I haven’t gone through it yet, though.” She did that now, starting with a small glossy booklet that came complete with graphic depictions of how one might use the beginner implements within.

Rhea pulled out a pair of black fuzzy handcuffs. “Wild,” she muttered.

“Isn’t this fun?”

Across from her on the other side of the bed, Paige’s wife opened the handcuffs and already wondered how they were supposed to lock without a key. Little did she know that this style of handcuff was manufacturedspecificallyto avoid someone getting stuck without a key.

“Do I need a safe word yet?”

Paige pulled out some starter nipple clamps and shuddered.Maybe not tonight.She shoved them deep into the bottom of her nightstand drawer.Baby steps.Instead, she’d fantasize about the velvet eye mask that looked comfortable enough to sleep with.Maybe I will!

She already imagined herself naked on this bed, handcuffed and blindfolded while her wife didGod knew whatto her. A tingle of excitement zipped from her head to her toes, and it took all of Paige’s restraint to not throw herself onto the bed right now.

“Hot damn.” Rhea pulled out a pair of barely-there underwear with an attachment that was meant for only one thing. “I thought this was a strap-on at first. What do you do with this?”

Paige pointed to one of the smaller toys in her nightstand. “You put a bullet in it.”

Rhea stared at her, incredulous. “It took me way too long to figure out what kind of bullet you’re talking about.”

“The kind that shoots you to the moon.”

“Is that what we’re calling it?”

“Hey, if this is too much for you right now, we can save it for later. I mean, we don’t have to do itallat once.”

“No, no…” Rhea delicately placed the strappy underwear with a bullet harness on the bed. “I want to try. I just didn’t know we were doing ittonight.”

“Neither did I, until I started feeling… you know.”

Rhea blushed. She was always her most adorable when Paige flirted with her.
