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She’s so hot, I might explode.Rhea thought that before burying her face in her wife’s naked breasts, still wet from the shower.

There were days, like that afternoon, when Rhea was convinced she could have enough sexual energy for them both. Paige could be a starfish on the beach while her wife strutted her stuff and made everyone feel good.That’s the spirit, Rhea.She’d rip off her clothes and grind against her wife until they felt too good to continue.

Except all it took was for Rhea to gasp in pleasureoncefor Paige to adopt a face that said,“Oh, is it over now? Thank God.”

Rhea pretended she was finished. She asked her wife if she wanted something in return, but Paige was already up and getting dressed. The conversation immediately switched to dinner. Rhea agreed to make chicken and vegetables. No carbs for Paige.

Soon, Rhea was alone on the bed while Paige darted downstairs in nothing but pajama shorts and a loose T-shirt to check the mail. All Rhea could think about was chasing after her like a huntress, catching Paige in the living room, and making her feel out-of-control sexual pleasure on the couch.

Yet even Rhea had to admit that required a lot more energy than she had right now. Dinner it was.

The next day, Rhea juggled two different phone calls that equally vied for her attention.

The first was from her agent, who was supposed to be scarce while Rhea finished up her manuscript for her editor. Except Jimmy had somethingdifferentto share with one of his star literary clients – because someone at a popular streaming service was interested in optioning Rhea’s third novel for an on-screen adaptation.

“We’re talking serious paper here.” Jimmy had an uncanny way of sounding both like a professional agent and a smarmy used car salesman. “The only reason I’m calling you about this now is because that’s how serious it is. You and me, we’ve got it in us to seal this deal. All I have to warn you is that, well, maybe it won’t happen. More than likely, they’ll buy the rights, cut us both a fat check for existing, and it’s up to God what happens after that.”

Rhea’s hopes were not up at all. Hell, they hadloweredsince Jimmy interrupted her reaching the home stretch of her manuscript. “I know how this works, Jim. They buy the rights, I get a cut, and they sit on it for five years while farting around in development hell.”

“Yeah, so? What’s the alternative, do you think?Nobodybuying the rights? That’s money on the table, Rhea.”

“We’d have more money if it was actually made, you know.”

“I don’t know anyone else buying the buzz of that book. Hulu is quiet. Paramount won’t even sneeze in our direction. You think Apple TV cares?”

Rhea rolled her eyes. “Jimmy, we can talk about this next week,afterI’ve submitted my current manuscript. I don’t need youandFlorence breathing down my neck.” She referred to her editor, her number-one contact at the publishing agency that put out one of her books every year. Jimmy got her foot through the door, but it was Florence who was responsible for Rhea’s novels showing up in the LAX bookstore. Rhea knew which one made her squeal harder than a teen girl at a BTS concert.

As soon as Jimmy hung up, Rhea’s father called.

She was apprehensive about answering. Not because she didn’t like her cantankerous dad, but because he had been a specific source of concern those past few months.

“Hey,” she said while leaning back in her office chair. Rhea stared out her window, past the bushes, and toward the pool. Paige was not out there, but Rhea remembered what that sight used to look like. “What’s up?”

After clearing his throat, Danny replied, “That goddamn news anchor is still styling his hair with horse shampoo. I can tell. He thinks I can’t tell, but I can.”

Rhea remembered everything her therapist had trained her to do whenever facing her father’s incoherent ramblings. “How’s the new helper working out?”

“Helper! Girl, I can’t do a damn thing without her leaping up to wipe my ass. Does she think I don’t remember how to do it myself? I’ve always done a good job. Even your mother couldn’t complain about my hygiene, and I’m not exactly Hollywood chic.”

All right, you’ve got me, Dad.Rhea laughed, which was exactly what her father wanted. “She’s doing her job. You’ve got to take it easy, and that includes around the house.” She referred to the bungalow near Malibu, the same town she grew up in. Unlike what ‘90s TV shows and Barbie media portrayed, though, Rhea’s childhood was far fromchic.Her tenure at Malibu High had been marked by the Incubus-famed views, but alsocontaminated caulk.She had gone straight from her journalism club to her part-time job at Cream Queen, where she made soft serve cones for her classmates. While the middle-class kids surfed on the beaches of Malibu, Rhea spent her weekends watching MTV and chatting with other girls online.For fuck’s sake, my first relationship was with a girl across the country.It wasn’t until she got a last-minute scholarship to the fanciest Catholic boarding school in SoCal that things turned around – but she was still working at Cream Queen the summer between her junior and senior years. “Don’t be too hard on her, and she’ll take care of you.”

Her father grumbled right into his phone. “I don’t need anyone taking care of me, least of all someone from outside of the family. Even if your mom were alive, I wouldn’t want her dealing with me in this state.” Danny lowered his voice. “It’s embarrassing.”

At least he admitted that much.

“Uh-huh.” Rhea did her best to not show her father her audible disdain for the whole situation. “Your insurance is paying for it, so might as well take advantage of having someone help with the laundry and dishes. Youdohave dirty dishes, right? Not just take-out boxes.”

“Come on, now. The doc said to cut back on the Jack in the Box, so I have!”

“To how many times a week, Dad?”

“I don’t have to take this from you. I’m the man who helped change your diapers, girl.”

Danny must have realized that riling up his daughter was not the way to get what he wanted, for after only a few short minutes, he changed his tone.

“Anyway, are you guys coming to dinner this Wednesday?”

Rhea sighed. “Of course, Dad. Paige might be a bit tired, but we’ll bring over somehealthytakeout on Wednesday.”

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