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“I want to take my wife on a well-deserved trip out of the city. Where she can be…” Rhea folded those hands before her face. “Spoiled.”

The way she said that struck a chord with Paige’s simmering libido. “Is that so? Do you have big plans? Like what’s for dinner tonight?”

“I ordered us takeout. Should be here any minute.”

“I see you have everything figured out, don’t you?”

“How about we eat dinner, take care of our chores, and go upstairs for a short preview of what you can expect this weekend?”

Paige’s brows wandered away from her eyes. “It’s not even Wednesday,” she purred.

“Let’s say I can sense some pent-up energy coming from your direction. I’d hate to think you were boiling over in the car on the way to the lake. I have to stay focused on the road.”

“So you’re doing all the driving, are you?”

“You’re the one who could use the trip the most. I’m just spoiling you.”

Someone knocked on the door. Most likely, it was the deliveryman with their takeout. Paige turned around to get it, but one eye remained locked on her wife’s unwavering visage. “Aren’t you full of surprises right now?”

“Wait ‘til you see what I ordered.”

Everything Rhea said and did was a setup to prepare Paige for what came next. Because when she said that, it meant Paige was pleasantly surprised to find food delivered from a taco stand near the pier, a place they ate at on their very first date.

Rhea played a game Paige didn’t quite understand, but she was willing to grasp the rules as soon as they appeared. Because Paige wanted to play.

Chapter 17

Thetrafficwasaschaotic as Paige predicted that Fourth of July weekend. Although they weren’t due to check into the rental until three, they left early, overnight bags in the trunk and snacks in the backseat as they pulled out of their Santa Monica driveway and headed toward the Californian wilderness.

Us and everyone else.

Rhea remained completely cool as she navigated traffic jams, aggressive drivers, and people who refused to let her over into their exit lanes. Paige? She would have lost it by now.So, better her than me today.Paige either stared out the window or looked at her phone when she had decent reception. Since Rhea was driving, that meant they listened to whatever she desired, and today? It was classic rock.

“Nope.” That was the most Rhea said for a whole hour when she skipped past a Fleetwood Mac song. “Cursed.”

“You were named after that song. How is it cursed?”

“I’ve always assumed I was conceived to this album. Forgive me if I could live without the images in my head.”

She said that smoothly, one hand looped over the wheel while the sunglasses on her face masked what she felt inside.Who is this woman?Paige didn’t mind, but she had been slightly suspicious of this trip ever since she found out about it. Rhea had distracted her more than once with favors and slightly dirty talk, but Paige was well aware of the truth… that whenever she looked away for more than a few minutes, Rhea blasted her façade and revealed the same slightly agitated woman beneath the cool demeanor.

What is her game?What was sheupto?

Paige decided to go with the flow. Once the shock of her wife booking them a trip without notice faded, Paige looked forward to it. Wasn’t it also a convenient way to tell her clients and coworkers she couldn’t work that weekend? She hadplans.

I have a feeling I’m getting laid.Should Paige start fanning herself now?

They were caught in traffic at their very last exit. While cars gradually weaved in and out of each other’s way, Paige braved the question, “What are you thinking about right now?”

Rhea slightly turned her head. Her faded green California Surf T-shirt she picked up at a thrift store fit her frame the same way all men’s shirts did: perfectly.So jealous.Paige’s chest was too awkwardly shaped for anything but tank tops, crop tops, or women’s V-necks.

“Thinking about everything I want to do this weekend.”

“Oh?” Paige coyly asked. “Like what? Fishing? Kayaking?”

“Everything I want to do to you.”

Shivering, Paige looked out the passenger side window. “Is this a sex trip? Because I might not be in themood.I might need something else to do but be at your beck and call.”
