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“Not at all.” Paige’s elbow almost slipped off the table. “Actually, I was going to bring that up as part of my fantasy, but you keep making me get ahead of myself.”

“Fine.” Rhea mimicked zipping her lips shut. “The floor is yours, Ms. Powell.”

“I’m actually not sure you could handle it.”

Rhea remained silent, her eyes trained on her wife’s visage in the darkening cabin.

“I imagine us going back to the club.” Paige dropped her voice to a husky whisper as she toyed with the image in her head. Such a romantic night required careful consideration of her own fantasies – especially with an audience right in front of her.The best audience I could ever ask for.Rhea was so attentive, even in her silence. It almost made Paige go mad with desire she didn’t know she courted right now. “It’s just you and me,” she continued, setting the scene of two married women out on date night in the kind of place where anything could happen. “We don’t have any expectations of what might happen or what we’ll see, you know? So when this beautiful woman approaches us, we go with the flow.”

Rhea spoke for the first time since Paige felt comfortable enough to share what was on her mind. “I don’t suppose this mysterious woman looks like someone who comes into your gym a couple of times a week.”

“If she does, it’s only because she’s someone who has caught my attention lately. I have no interest in actually doing anything with her outside of a professional setting.”

Rhea chuckled. “Having not seen this woman for myself… I’ll take your word on it.”

“Do you think me the type of woman who strays? Let alone with a client?”

“No. I think you’re someone who bottles up your fantasies and quietly places them in the back of the pantry in the hopes you’ll never have to face them. Life is simpler that way, right?”

“Sometimes I think you don’t know me at all.”

“Let’s say I’ve had the opportunity to get to know you over the past fifteen years, and I’ve noticed a few things. But, please…” Rhea gestured toward her wife. “Continue.”

“Do you want to hear what goes through my mind next?”

Rhea was noncommittal again.

“Because there’s a lot more of you and her going on than her and me.”

If Rhea was surprised by that, she didn’t say.

“Do you ever imagine having sex with a woman who isn’t me?” When Rhea still did not immediately respond, Paige continued, “Because I think it would be pretty hot.”

“Can’t say it’s ever crossed my mind. I’m obnoxiously monogamous.”

“I thought I was too. Now I’ve got all sorts of weird thoughts in my head.”

“Is this when you elevate to Tier Three of the therapist’s suggestions and go straight to us being polyamorous now?”

“Hell, no. I still want you to myself.”

“Sometimes with a third woman who doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into?”

“It doesn’t have to be something that ever actually happens. Maybe I’m thinking about that one girl at the club. You know, the one perving on us?”

“You mean the one who was young enough to be our daughter?”

Paige shook her head. “You keep focusing on the wrong things. Fine. What are you fantasizing about lately?”

Rhea took a methodical bite of her food, her gaze expertly leveraged on the woman sitting across from her at the table. “Suppose you’ll find out soon enough.”

“What’s that mean? Come on, you’re not going to play along?”

“I’ve been playing along this whole time.”

It took Paige a moment to realize that this had all been a game, from the moment her wife sat at the dining room table and announced they were going somewhere this weekend.

One game, two players.Every time Paige thought she had Rhea figured out, something new and exciting came along to upend everything she assumed about herself – and her marriage.
