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“You’re the knockout here. Jesus, I thought I was going to die when you first brought me in here. When’s the last time you did your makeup like this?”

“I don’t think I ever have.”

“I like it. Next time we go to the club, more that, less Barbie.”

Paige snorted. “Next time we go, I might not be as docile as you’re used to.”

“I’ll put on a skirt for the first time in ten years if it means being your bitch for the night.”

Paige was so caught off guard by that comment that they both ended up awkwardly laughing until Rhea rolled onto her back and accepted her wife into a sideways embrace.What a wild ride.She didn’t question any of it. Not how Paige reverted to her “real” self shortly after the scene, and not what they said to each other now that every barrier had fallen. There was nothing sacred. Rhea thought that was true before, but it had never been as real untilnow.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Paige eventually said, a smile struggling to fall off her face. “There were about one dozen chokepoints in the plan that made me seriously question everything. Like you asking for a divorce afterward.”

“Trust me when I say this is exactly what I needed.”

“I know.” Paige planted a soft kiss on her wife’s forehead before getting up. “Aren’t you going to ask how long we have this room for? Because it’s not the whole night. We’ve got to get back home at some point anyway.” She stood by the Jacuzzi as if debating whether to fire it up. “Probably by dinner. We should pick something up on the way home.”

Rhea almost couldn’t comprehend so many words. “How much did this room cost?”

Did her wife just wink? “I got it for free. I’ll tell you how later.”

Rhea got up but did not yet leave the bed. “Do we at least have time to have a bath?”

“Thought you’d never ask. Get over here and let me give you that sweet aftercare we’re always reading about.”

As much as Rhea enjoyed that thought, she still had one thing on her mind. She waited until Paige started the Jacuzzi, the bubbles as loud as the thoughts thumping in Rhea’s head.

“Yes?” Paige sat on the edge of the tub, legs crossed and hands wrapped around her knee. “Is there something you need? Besides me, of course.”

Rhea almost ate her words. How was she supposed to request anything when that perfect face was looking back at her? “When we get out of the tub…” She cleared her throat. “Will we have time for a round two? Because I’d like to get something out of my system before going back home.”

A big, wide smile appeared once again on Paige’s face. “I think we could squeeze in another fuckfest, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Oh, good. Because I’ve got another request.”

Paige gestured for her wife to test the temperature of the water with her bare feet. While Rhea attempted to reach her leg over the edge of the tub, Paige said, “One might think you’ve completely missed the point of my spiel earlier.”

Rhea ignored her. “When we get out of this tub, I want to do something we’veneverdone before.”

“If you want to eat the pillow while I break your ass, say so.”

If it were possible for Rhea to drown in only one foot of water, she was well on her way to figuring out how.

A While Later

Paigecouldn’trememberthelast time they had a cookout, let alone so early in January.

It was one of those more moderate winter days, though. The one thing Paige loved about her place of birth was how delightfullymildwinter was. She wore a sweater out on the patio, but the sun was bright in the sky and the heat was fresh on her skin.

She did love good sweater weather.

“Why the hell is the pool still open out here?” Jocie was the most covered she ever got in public, with long pants and a long-sleeved scoop-neck shirt that hung loosely on her frame. Behind her, both Loren and Maya ignored her outburst while inspecting what Paige had cooking on the grill.Plenty of vegetarian food to go around.That was the theme of the cookout, and it wasn’t only because one of the guests couldn’t stand the smell of grilled meat. Although at the rate Loren’s nose was lowering toward the grill, Paige might have to snatch it off with her tongs.

Rhea pulled herself away from Jeanette and Roxy to answer her other friend’s pressing question. “Because we’re still using it, Joce.”

“My God. You’ve lost your minds. It’s like a whopping sixty degrees out here.” She lowered her sunglasses as she stepped out into the sun-blasted backyard. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. Soon, Paige would have to reapply her sunscreen. “When’s the food ready?”

Paige closed the lid on the grill. “Ten minutes. So hold your horses.”
