Page 10 of Texting Mr. Mafia

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Standing, I walk toward the bathroom. My phone hasn’t vibrated since I sent my last message, but I check it anyway. I feel myself grinning when I see the reason why. The text conversation was open, meaning I didn’t receive any notifications, but there are two messages.

My smile falters when I read them.

It’s hard not to be scared. Honestly, I’m terrified.

Her next message says,This is going to sound nuts, but your friend reminds me of the man who threatened me last night. When I approached your table earlier, he looked really shocked, like he was surprised to see me.

As I read this message, another appears.Ignore that. I think I’m just on the edge.

Yet I can’t ignore it. I thought the same thing. I’m about to reply when Luca walks into the bathroom. “Come on, bro. Mom’s ordered champagne. We’re going to toast the new deal.”

“This is a fucking joke,” I snarl, pushing past him. “Toast it without me.”

Instead of taking the left to the restaurant, I turn right, open the fire escape door, and walk onto the street. I’ve got as far as my car when Mom comes running after me.“Elio, wait!”

I turn, stunned at the tone of her voice. The last time I heard her sound this terrified was when Dad had his stroke. Her eyes are glistening like she could break down in tears at any moment.

“Mom?” I touch her arm. “What’s wrong?”

“You can’t leave,” she says. “Please. You have to stay. You have to toast the deal with us.”

“Why?” I snap. “Are we that concerned with keeping up appearances with theShanks? The deal is done. The money will be made. Surely, that’s all that matters.”

“Please, Elio,” she says. “For me.”

I grind my teeth. I want to ask her more. Something’s going on here. I’m sure of it. Something more than a deal.

“Mom.” I pull her into a hug. “Is there something you want to tell me? Is Russel threatening you? Is—”

“It’s nothing like that,” Mom cuts in, her voice trembling with emotion. “Your… your father wants this. Your father needs it. Doesn’t he deserve to make a deal? You know how happy business makes him.”

As far as I can tell, Dad barely knows he’s here, but I won’t say that to Mom. It would break her heart. Anyway, hemustknow he’s here since he’s talking to Mom. It’s just everybody else he refuses to or can’t speak to.

“Okay,” I say, sighing, “but only for you, Mom. If I had my way, I’d beat that druggy bastard into the dirt.”

I know Mom is going through the wringer when she doesn’t even get angry at me for swearing.



I sit in the breakroom, my phone on the table. After I texted Elio about suspecting his friend, I got no response. They’re gone now. They ordered champagne, laughter coming from their table, the younger Marino brother clapping my possible loan shark on the back.

I’m staring at my phone like a freak, gazing at the three unanswered texts, praying for my phone to vibrate, wanting it so badly. It’s not just that he said I don’t have to be scared, and he seemed willing to help me. It’s justhim, too—talking to him and feeling wanted by him, even if it’s all in my head.

I almost jump when my phone finally vibrates.

It would be one hell of a coincidence,his message reads.But stranger things have happened. Give me your address, Scarlet.

His demanding tone gives me pause. Through all the bull crap with Dad—the schemes, the fails, the moves—I’ve learned to be suspicious. Usually, I don’t have toremindmyself to be suspicious, but with Elio, I do. It’s like something warm and glowy deep inside me tells me he’d never hurt or betray me. How can hebetrayme when we don’t have a bond to begin with?

Why?I reply.

I’m going to arrange for your property to be protected in case the loan shark returns.

Wouldn’t it be easier to pay them?I send, then regret it right away. I sound like I’m trying to shake him down for cash.

I’m unsure what the time is or if it’s time to return to work. I’d normally be completely zonked by this point in the day, especially after so little sleep, but seeing Elio has jolted something in me. I have to remember all the times Dad walked out and came home with chaos.
