Page 17 of His to Break

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Remember who you are,he thought, steeling himself for the task ahead.Remember what you're here to do.

Ryker lifted his hand from Caleb's mouth. Caleb looked up at him, revealing the glistening sheen of tears that had pooled in the corners of the younger man's eyes.

He knew it was over.

Caleb squeezed his eyes shut, as if trying to block out the reality of what was happening. His voice trembled as he whispered, "I just wanted to do something right for once in my life."

"You tried," Ryker said gruffly, the words feeling heavy. "That counts." The strange tenderness in the air felt like a secret shared between the two – a stolen moment amidst the storm.

"Does it?" Caleb's dark eyes opened again, filled with a blend of pain and defiance that sent a shiver down Ryker's spine. It was a look that stirred up memories of their past encounters, when Ryker had been the one underneath Caleb's lithe body. He felt every inch of where he was pressed against Caleb. His body reacted, his blood stirring within him.

That's enough of that. Ryker patted Caleb's cheek, a rough but strangely affectionate gesture, and then stood up. "I'm taking him outside." He turned to the other bed where Eli lay sleeping.

"Please," Caleb began, his voice barely audible beneath the hum of the motel room's air conditioner. "Take care of him. Don't let him get hurt."

"I will," Ryker replied, his gut churning with the weight of his promise. He rocked Eli's shoulder gentle. "Hey, big guy," he said, a hint of warmth seeping into his voice. "It's me again. We're going on a little trip now."

Eli blinked sleepily, rubbing his eyes with tiny fists. He looked at Caleb, confused, before giving a small confused nod.

Ryker couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest at the child's trusting nature. Eli had only met Ryker once, but he was listening to him. That instinctive faith in people wouldn't last for long. Arkady would see Eli trained up as he should be — into a real mafia heir.

Caleb watched from the bed, defeated, as Ryker scooped Eli into his arms. The kid nestled against Ryker's broad chest, his curly hair tickling his chin. Ryker's eyes flicked to Caleb, silently communicating with him:Don't make a fuss. This can go down the easy way, or the hard way.

Let me take him outside before I come back for you.

Ryker had killed a lot of people. When they discovered they were about to die, all loyalty went out the window. Anyone would try to sell out anything they could, if it meant they had a chance of living. If it was anyone else, they'd be pleadingTake the kid — just don't hurt me!

Instead, Caleb waited for his death patiently and with honor.

Not wanting to scare Eli.

God, this kid. Something deep inside of Ryker stirred at that. If Caleb had grown up as a made man instead of a rentboy, brought into the family instead of just being used by it… What would he have been capable of, with his wits and courage?

Ryker opened the door and stepped out into the moonlit night, feeling the comforting weight of Eli nestled securely in his arms, the child's warm breath ghosting across his neck.

He looked back, checking on Caleb, just in case he was going to try something — but he was simply staring at Eli, his big, expressive eyes unreadable.

Ryker had killed so many people for the Mirskys. So why did this feel so wrong?

Ryker forced himself to turn away.

The air outside was heavy with the fresh scent of rain, the clouds above shifting ominously as if reflecting the storm brewing within Ryker's soul. He took a step forward, feeling the damp grit of the pavement beneath his boots, every movement deliberate and calculated, honed by years of navigating treacherous situations and dangerous liaisons.

As he stepped out of the room, Ryker felt a sudden rush of air, a whisper of movement that made his instincts roar—

But he was too slow.

Something hit him hard, crashing violently into his temple.

Waves of white-hot agony coursed through Ryker's skull. His vision blurred, an explosion of stars filling his sight as he crumpled to the ground, Eli's terrified shriek echoing in his ears. He clung to Eli reflexively, cradling him, not wanting to drop him.

Stay conscious!he screamed at himself, his voice barely a rasp as he fought against the encroaching darkness threatening to swallow him whole. He strained to lift his head, desperate to fight this new threat, desperate to protect—

But all Ryker could see was the black void that enveloped him like an unwelcome lover, smothering his senses and claiming him.

Chapter nine

Caleb'sheartpoundedmercilesslyin his chest, a wild rhythm that threatened to tear him apart from the inside.
