Page 20 of His to Protect

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"Hey, kid," Dante greeted him with that irresistible smirk. His deep voice vibrated through Felix's chest, making his heart race even faster. The way his leather jacket hugged his broad shoulders, accentuating his muscular arms, did nothing to help Felix's arousal.

"Hey, yourself," Felix replied, trying to keep his voice steady. They locked eyes for a moment, the electricity between them palpable, before Dante broke the silence.

"Nice place you've got here," he teased, glancing around the modest exterior. Felix couldn't help but smile at the playful tone in Dante's voice, allowing himself to relax just a little. "Give me the tour?"

"Thanks. It's not much, but it's home," Felix said, pride swelling in his chest despite the rough edges of his life.

"Give me the tour?"

Felix's heart beat faster. Seeing Dante standing on his doorstep, he felt a sense of something that had been missing from his life for far too long — the sense of being alive.

But as much as he wanted Dante, he hesitated.

"What's on your mind?" Dante asked, sensing Felix's internal struggle.

"Nothing, I just..." Felix started, pausing as he tried to find the right words. "I've been building a safe place for me and Luna, you know? And I don't want to risk that."

"Hey," Dante said softly, reaching out to cup Felix's chin with his large hand, forcing their eyes to meet. "I would never do anything to jeopardize what you have here. You're safe with me."

Felix searched Dante's gaze, trying to determine if he truly meant those words. The sincerity he found there made his heart swell, filling him with a warmth he hadn't felt in ages. He realized, then, that it wasn't just Dante's raw masculinity that was drawing him in – though that certainly played a role – but the unspoken promise of protection that radiated from the man standing before him.

Felix watched Dante's eyes, dark and intense, as they seemed to pierce through him. He could see that Dante was waiting patiently while he muddled through his own feelings, a silent understanding passing between them. Felix knew that Dante could tell what decision he was about to make, but he didn't push – instead, he allowed Felix the space to come to it on his own.

"Okay." Taking a deep breath, Felix finally found the courage to utter the words he'd been wrestling with: "Come in."

Dante prowled into Felix's house like a powerful big cat, his broad frame looking out of place in the small, careworn living room. Felix felt a sudden pang of shame at the sight.

But before he could dwell on it, Dante nodded in approval. "Cozy. You've done a good job with it."


"Yeah." Dante looked around, holding himself carefully still. "Your sister around?"

Felix knew what was coming next. "Nope, she's at a friend's place."

"How long?"

Felix took a breath. "All night."

And that was that. Dante closed the distance between them, capturing Felix's mouth in a passionate, hungry kiss. "God, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," Dante growled against Felix's mouth, and Felix couldn't help but moan in response.

"Y-yeah?" Felix stammered, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to process the intensity of the moment. His legs felt weak, barely able to support him under the weight of Dante's desire.

"Absolutely," Dante murmured, his large hands roaming over Felix's body, making him shiver with anticipation. "You got under my skin, kid. I can't get enough of you."

The hot claiming kiss on Felix's neck left him gasping. "This way," he managed, and didn't waste a moment before steering them toward the bedroom. Felix stumbled back until the backs of his knees hit the bed. He fell onto the soft mattress, pulling Dante down with him as their lips remained desperately connected.

"God, you're irresistible," Dante growled between kisses, his strong hands roaming over Felix's body, leaving trails of fire against his sensitive skin. Felix could hardly catch his breath, but he managed to choke out a laugh, the sound edged with need.

"Y-yeah?" Felix panted, arching up to meet Dante's grinding hips. Their erections pressed together through the fabric of their pants, the friction deliciously agonizing. "I could say the same about you."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Dante teased, nipping at Felix's lower lip before diving back in for another searing kiss. Felix moaned into Dante's mouth, his own hands roaming the expanse of Dante's broad back beneath the rough fabric of his shirt.

"Maybe we should slow down…" Felix wondered aloud. But his body betrayed him almost instantly as he rocked up against Dante, seeking more friction. "Or not," he amended sheepishly, his voice cracking with desire.

"Slow isn't really my style," Dante agreed, nipping at Felix's flushed skin as he continued to grind their cocks together. His large hands slid beneath Felix's shirt, fingers gripping his waist. "But I'll follow your lead, sweetheart. Just say the word."

"Please don't stop," Felix begged, his mind a whirlwind of lust and confusion. Dante was so good at this. He always seemed to know the right things to say.
