Page 20 of Brute's Mate

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“Why are you so agitated?” I ask Jenny once I’m certain no one is listening. I glance at her before looking away, not wanting the others to become suspicious of our relationship.

“Because you’re infuriating, that’s why. I don’t understand why you can’t just tell me the identity of Ellie’s mate. Why are you acting like it’s some big secret? Also, we shouldn’t have done what we did in the alcove. It was highly improper, and it absolutely cannot happen again.”

“It will happen again.” I turn to face her. “Whenever you’re achy between your thighs and in need of a climax, little female, I will drag you to an alcove and make you shatter. Perhaps I’ll even take you to my private quarters so you might scream throughout your next orgasm.”

Her eyes go wide, and she shakes her head so fast her hair flips about her shoulders. “I-I can’t mate with you. I refuse.” Her hands curl into fists at her sides. “I won’t marry a savage beast who bosses me around and spanks me when I dare to step out of line. I’m heartbroken just thinking about the unspeakable horrors my sister might be enduring.”

I fight back a growl. If we were alone, I would grab her and kiss her. I would rip her pants and panties off and caress her pulsating clit until she cried out in pleasure. And yes, I would punish her if she defied me, if she offered any resistance or failed to obey my instructions.

“Your sister is not enduring unspeakable horrors,” I insist, feeling compelled to defend Tornn.

“Oh, andwhat? You’re best friends with her mate so you happen to know she’s doing fine?”

This time, I’m unable to restrain a growl, and every head in the room turns my way. “Ellie is mated to Admiral Tornn,” I blurt, “and he is an honorable male. You needn’t be so worried for your sister’s welfare.”

She pales. “Admiral Tornn?” she whispers. “I-I’ve heard rumors about him. About his ruthlessness during the negotiations withJansonna’scommand team. I’ve heard he is a disagreeable male.”

I glare at her but offer no additional details. I sincerely hope Ellie doesn’t speak badly of Tornn when she finally contacts her family. If Ellie tells her mother and sister that she’s unhappy or being mistreated by my cousin, Jenny will be even more reluctant to become my mate. I almost sigh. The truth is, I know very little about Tornn’s relationship with his mate, but I take comfort in the knowledge that they share a heartbond. Surely there must at least be mutual respect between them if they share such a bond.

When Margo returns to Jenny’s side, the younger woman immediately shares the news about Ellie being mated to Admiral Tornn. Judging by the look of horror on Margo’s face, I suspect she’s heard the same dark rumors about my cousin as Jenny. I bite the inside of my cheek and pray the engineers will hurry up. What thefluxxis taking so long?

The two females walk to a far corner of the sitting room and settle on a large plush sofa, their heads bent together in whispered conversation. I can hear every word, but I’m stunned when I realize I don’t understand the words.

What language are they speaking?

It’s not English. Not Spanish or French or Chinese either, which are other languages I’m currently attempting to master.

I listen intently so perhaps later I’ll be able to place the human tongue.Jansonna’sdatabases contain many language learning programs in a variety of Earth tongues, and I intend to continue making use of them. On the night Tornn told me about the mission on the worldship, I had a friend hack the human’s systems so I might get a head start. Thankfully, I’ve always had an aptitude for quickly learning alien languages.

If the Yelltzins hadn’t destroyed planet Darrva and killed nearly all our females, thanks to my father’s failures, I might have enjoyed a career as an interplanetary diplomat.

But even after destroying every last Yelltzin, my people were unable to cope with the prospect of living in the same sector where Darrva was once located. So, we’d set off through the stars in search of females and a new planet to call home.

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t hear Jenny and Margo approaching. They walk in my line of vision and stride right up to me, and Margo pushes her daughter forward and whispers something in the same language I’m unable to place.

Jenny draws in a deep breath and struggles to maintain eye contact with me. “My mother and I would like to know how wealthy Admiral Tornn is. We’re just curious. We’re not trying to get his money or anything like that, but like I said, just curious.”

Not this again. Do they truly believe a Darrvason male might sell his mate back to the humans? The idea is preposterous. “He’s among the wealthiest Darrvasons in the empire,” I tell them, looking from female to female. It’s on the tip of my tongue to inform them that no Darrvason male in his right mind would ever part with his mate, but I keep my lips sealed.

Jenny and her mother exchange a worried look, and they soon turn away to observe the engineers’ progress. My mind reels as I try to process Jenny’s abrupt change in demeanor since I brought her back to her quarters. She seems ashamed of the intimacies that transpired between us in the alcove, and this unsettles me more than I’d like to admit.

Forbidden, I remind myself. She’s all but forbidden. Admiral Tornn already suspects his mate will request Jenny is never a candidate to become a Darrvason bride.

No matter what, I must complete my mission spying on Captain Warren, the command team, and traitorous Officer Nathan Gonlaz. I must learn as much as possible about the various rebel groups on the worldship.

Has Paddax been released from the medical bay yet? I suppress a growl as I realize I forgot to ask Tornn during our last conversation. I was so distracted by the news of the heartbond that I didn’t inquire about my friend. But when Paddax is released from the medical bay, which should occur any day now, if it hasn’t occurred already, Sheila will be returned to him. She’s remained completely silent in the brig, refusing to answer a single question. However, once she’s back in her mate’s custody, he will likely interrogate her, and he won’t be gentle about it.

Having known Paddax for many years, I’m certain the male will succeed in extracting a full confession from his errant mate, but if I’m being honest, I would like the accolade that comes with unearthing the truth behind the plot myself. If only so it’ll endear me more to Admiral Tornn and Emperor Radakk.

The actions I’m planning to take…

I glance at Jenny and my heart swells. My dual shafts also harden as I recall the sweet moans and whimpers she made as I stroked her clit and brought her to a release. My scrotum commences a slow but steady vibration as I remember every aspect of her spanking. Her bottom cheeks had reddened beautifully under my hand, and when she squirmed her thighs had parted wide, allowing me an unhindered view of her slick, pink nether lips.

Just when I don’t think I can withstand being in Jenny’s presence any longer without mauling her, the engineers complete the installation of the video comm. I escort the males out of her quarters, so eager to have them away from her that I nearly push them out the door. As though sensing my claim on the young female, none of them allow their gazes to linger on her for too long, and none are bold enough to meet her eyes.

However, I notice one of the engineers, a male named Xorrsa who was a friend of my father’s, staring at Margo for a long time. Xorrsa turns to look at the older female once more before stepping into the corridor, and to my shock, I notice his nostrils are flared, his body is tense, and there’s a possessive gleam in his red eyes.

Fluxx. I don’t need any more complications during my mission on theJansonna, and my first instinct is to throttle him. But I keep my calm and remind myself that he likely won’t have many duties on Deck Twenty-Two, nor Deck Fourteen where Margo teaches classes almost every day. It’s not lost on me that lecturing him about an attraction to an off-limits female would make me a hypocrite.
