Page 26 of Brute's Mate

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I think of his threats to whip me… to take a strap to my bottom, and I shudder. Yet my arousal doesn’t fade in the slightest.

Tears of frustration burn in my eyes, and I blink rapidly and lower my gaze, not wanting the big alien to demand to know the reason I’m upset. What right does he have to my thoughts and feelings? None. He doesn’t need to know about the turmoil in my heart. He doesn’t need to know how conflicted he makes me feel.

Brute leans down and trails his tongue along my neck. I gasp and try to jerk away, but he still has a firm grip on my hair, and I’m very much trapped between the wall and his huge muscular body.

“This isn’t right,” I manage to whisper.

He briefly tightens his grip on my upper arm, then trails that hand downward and across my stomach, until he suddenly cups my pussy and gives it a firm squeeze that makes me cry out in a mixture of surprise and longing.

“Please.” I whimper. “You must stop. I will not be your mate. No matter what, I will not let you claim me. I don’t want you, Brute.I don’t want you.” Humiliation courses through me when a few tears escape my eyes. The last thing I want is to cry in front of him. How terribly embarrassing.

Brute draws back and gives me a half-concerned, half-suspicious look that soon morphs to anger. Or at least I think he’s angry. In any case, he doesn’t appear pleased.

He growls and squeezes my center again. I whimper when I find myself hopelessly grinding into his hand. I can’t help it. My body is alight with desire—I’m burning for him—and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to stop it.

“You are mine, human female.” His entire body vibrates with fury, and a vicious snarl explodes from deep in his chest. “You are mine, and the sooner you accept my ownership over you, the easier it will be for you to acclimate to the Darrvason way of life.”

I start shaking my head, but he grabs my chin and stills my movements. His eyes flash with another surge of emotion, then he grabs me roughly and hauls me down the corridor, taking me to the very alcove of my prior disgrace. I flail in his arms but it’s useless. He’s so much larger and stronger than me. I can’t fight him.

I draw in a huge breath, preparing to scream, but he clamps a hand over my mouth and presses me against the cool viewscreen inside the alcove. His eyes glint with victory, and his hard appendages press into my stomach. The curtain isn’t closed, but I have no doubt he plans to rectify that soon.

And even if he doesn’t close it, what chance do I have of someone passing by?

This corridor of Deck Twenty-Two isn’t frequently traveled by anyone, and with the shelter-in-place order… we might as well be alone in his quarters for all the privacy we have.

“Scream if you like, Jenny.” He wrenches his hand from my mouth, and I gasp for air. “There isn’t a single security officer patrolling any of the upper decks right now, as they’re all needed on the lower decks and in the brig. Perhaps a nearby resident will hear you, but they won’t be able to come running. No one is permitted to leave their quarters just yet.”

I push at his chest to no avail, and he strengthens his hold on me. He gyrates his hard shafts into my stomach, and I tremble with a mix of longing and fear. What if he claims me right now? What if he loses control and then there’s no going back? Tears blur my vision. I’m ninety-nine percent certain that Darrvasons mate for life. The heartbond…

No. I can’t allow such a powerful bond to develop between me and Brute. I think of the glowing ancestral markings on Ellie’s arms, then I glance at the green glow that’s coming from under Brute’s shirt on his upper arms. Dread inundates me when my own upper arms start to tingle and itch—and not for the first time in Brute’s presence.

What does it mean?

We haven’t copulated yet. Surely a bond isn’t already forming between us. Maybe it’s a warning. A warning that if we continue, the bond is very likely to happen.

“Why are you fighting this?” Brute says, nearly a shout. He steps back and delves a hand between my thighs again, caressing and squeezing. I shiver at his touch as warmth continues quaking in my nether region.

WhyamI fighting this? I remind myself of every reason. Because of the horrors Ellie is probably enduring at Tornn’s hand, never mind that she claims she’s happy. Because of my mother. Because my place is on theJansonnawith my people, and soon my place will be in the first human settlement on planet 58-Z. I have friends and a life among humankind. I can’t abandon everything I know.

Because if Brute claims me, he will breed me.

He will savagely spill his seed in my depths and impregnate me.

How many children would he force me to have?

Children my mother would never see, because apparently the Darrvasons plan to live in isolation from the human settlement on 58-Z.

I pound at Brute’s chest, and a scream finally rips from my throat.



I don’t understandJenny’s actions. Why is she so fervently resisting my advances when her body is quivering with desire and I can so easily detect the scent of her arousal? I know if I strip off her pants and panties to examine her pussy, I’ll find she’s soaking wet and swollen with need.

She screams one last time before a look of defeat falls over her, and she peers outside the alcove. “No one is coming, are they?”

“Even if someone were foolish enough to try rescuing you, little female, they would not live to see another day, and in the end, you would still belong to me.” I release my hold on her and step away, but only so I can close the curtain. Even though I doubt anyone would walk by at this time of night, particularly when all the security officers are engaged elsewhere and residents aren’t permitted to leave their quarters, I cannot stomach the thought of any other male glimpsing my female while she’s unclothed.
