Page 51 of Brute's Mate

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Margo clears her throat and stands up. As she heads toward the kitchen, she says, “I’ll leave you two alone for a little while.”

Jenny flushes and her lips quirk with a smile. “It’s a good plan, Brute.” Her eyes fill with moisture. “Thank you. I-I would be dead soon without you. I’m sure of it.”

I lean down and playfully drag my tongue along her ear. She shivers and wraps her arms around my waist, sinking deeper into my embrace.

You know I won’t be gentle as I claim you.

Her breath catches.I know.

I’ve been training your bottom hole with a plug for nearly two moon cycles now. I believe you’re ready to take both my shafts at the same time. I believe you’re ready for a rough double pounding, little female.



I standin the entryway facing my mother, feeling a tad awkward as we prepare to say goodbye. She knows I’m about to prance around the corridor very publicly like the bait I am. This will occur in exactly one minute as Officer Brute happens to be walking by.

It’ll all go down during the dinner rush, which means there will be plenty of witnesses to corroborate Mom’s claims that a big bad Darrvason carried her daughter off. She’ll say she was walking me to the brig so I might turn myself in when the dreadful attack occurred.

A solid plan, and a thrill rushes through me as I realize it will work. Hopefully.

My mood darkens, however, when I think about Angelo and his mother, both of whom are dead. They took their own lives, overdosing on medication they stole from the medical bay before security officers were able to arrest them.

I still can’t believe my so-called friend was behind the broadcast of the video. He must’ve recorded me at some point and saved the footage for a rainy day. I’d worried he was part of The Saviors, only to learn he was part of a small but wealthy group of five rebels who combined their funds to hire Grozznolan mercenaries.

Thank goodness the Darrvasons were able to vanquish the alien fleet and slaughter all the creatures who beamed aboard theJansonna.

I pray there are no more rebel attacks. No more death. No more betrayals. Pushing aside these worries, I force a smile as I stare at my mother. My greatest fear is about to be realized, though I suppose there’s no reason to be afraid anymore. I’m nervous, of course, but I trust that Brute won’t hurt me. Not really.But how rough will he be?I wonder as a shiver rushes down my back.

“Good luck.” Mom sighs and gives me a hesitant look. “I’ll see youvery soon.”

“Thanks, and I know. We’ll see one another again on 58-Z. In about three months. Or maybe sooner, actually. I don’t see why you can’t come live with us on theHaxxaluntil we reach the planet. I’ll ask Brute.”

Mom shakes her head. “No need to ask him. I’ve made other arrangements.” She blushes and suddenly has trouble meeting my eye. “Don’t you dare try to talk me out of it. I know what I’m doing, and I’ve had a long time to consider all my options. This is what I want. I-I care about Chief Xorrsa. He’s been very kind to me, and I find him less harsh than most of the Darrvasons I’ve encountered.”

Shock ripples through me. Holy hell.

Mom’s going to offer herself to a Darrvason. Not just any Darrvason, but a male she’s come to care about.

Thirty seconds. I glance at the door. Almost time to leave. “I wouldn’t have time to change your mind even if I wanted to, Mom. Way to drop this bomb on me at the very last moment.” I envelop her in a tight hug. “Good luck to you as well. I love you.”

“I love you too, darling.”

We exit our quarters and join the lunch crowd that’s headed to the mess hall. People stare at me openly, and I hear gasps and whispers. A security officer takes notice of me and does a double take. He starts walking toward me, but a growl suddenly resounds down the corridor, and the officer scurries in the opposite direction. I almost laugh, but then I remember that I need to act surprised. I need to act frightened and fight Brute.

The more believable my kidnapping is, the better.

Mom and I freeze, and I turn to search out the source of the noise, feigning a look of confusion. Brute stands at the end of the corridor, and he’s panting hard. His nostrils flare as he emits another booming growl. He bares his teeth and snarls, and an actual shiver rushes down my back. He’s doing an excellent job of playing the deranged beast who’s in need of a female.

I take a few steps back, but he bolts toward me, running at inhuman speed. My stomach bottoms out. Holy shit. I never knew Darrvasons could run so fast. It’s like watching a movie on fast forward.

Mom pulls me to the side, and we attempt to stay out of Brute’s path, acting as though we have no idea I’m his target. We plaster ourselves to the wall, and others in the corridor do the same.

When Brute reaches me, he grabs my arm and yanks me roughly away from my mother. “This female is mine!” He tosses me over his shoulder, though I can tell he’s trying to make the ordeal as comfortable for me as possible. “I have tried to resist your delicious scent, female, but no more. I have finally lost control, and I cannot help myself. I intend to claim you asmine, and I will breed you and keep you as my bride.”

I thrash around and scream, but Brute takes off down the corridor with my mother chasing behind. With blood rushing to my head, I can’t make out what Mom is screaming, but it sounds like every other word isfuckorhellor some other four-letter word.

A few brave men try to intervene, but Brute pushes them to the floor with ease. He takes me on an elevator that happens to be filled with over a dozen gawking people. The second he steps on, everyone flees, leaving us alone.
