Page 6 of Brute's Mate

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His touch elicits goosebumps all over my body and pleasurable spasms in my core. A female in heat? Is he talking about something sexual?Rutsounds sexual, though I can’t be sure. I suddenly wish I’d read some of the banned romance novels Ellie used to devour all the time. At least then I might have a better idea.

I glance up and down the hallway but spot no one. Dammit. Where’s a morality officer when I need one? Or a guard or a regular passerby?

“I’m talking about mating. Claiming. You smell delicious,” he says after a long moment, lifting his hand to stroke my dark tresses again. “Your body is…awakening, and it’s not safe for you to wander the corridors alone.”

Awakening? My thoughts become muddled. Then it hits me. I’m due for a hormone suppression shot next month. Maybe the last shot wore off early. Maybe I ought to visit the medical bay for a booster.

Perhaps that’s why heat keeps surging between my thighs.

Perhaps that’s why I feel so breathless as the huge alien touches me.

He steps back, and I almost moan at the loss of his touch.

He gestures in the direction I was walking before he so rudely accosted me. “Lead the way, female. I will escort you to your destination.”



What thefluxxam I doing?

I shouldn’t be interacting with any females aboard theJansonna. Admiral Tornn has entrusted me with an important task, and I can’t afford distractions. I should be checking on Captain Warren and spying on his command team, not stalking the captain’s dark-haired niece.

I’ve seen the pretty female named Jenny around the ship, though I haven’t interacted with her until now. I haven’t had cause.

But earlier in the mess hall, her delicious scent assailed me the instant I stepped in from the corridor.

I inhale another deep breath, filling my lungs with the essence of her. That sweetness between her thighs. My dual shafts thicken in my pants and my scrotum commences a steady vibration. Desire pulses through me, heating my blood.

I make another sweeping gesture with my hand, though the woman doesn’t move forward to lead the way. Frustration swells within me.

Doesn’t she have any sense?

I’ve offered to escort her to her destination. I’ve offered to keep her safe, yet she’s hesitating to accept my help.

My mood darkens and I scowl at her.

“I don’t need an escort.” She crosses her arms over her chest, and I sense fury resonating from her small form. “There are usually plenty of security officers in the corridors. I’ll be fine.”

“Security officers won’t be able to protect you from a ravenous Darrvason male. If one of the engineers visiting your ship comes too close, they might detect your enticing scent and lose control. They might attempt to claim you.” Why does the idea of another male claiming this dark-haired beauty fill me with rage?

She narrows her blue eyes and tosses her hair over her shoulder. Her flippant attitude is maddening. It makes me want to tame her. It makes me want to hold her down and rut her while she whimpers and moans. A sudden vision of her kneeling at my feet in supplication heightens the desire pulsing through my body. If she were my mate, I would be quick to instill obedience in her.

“If your engineers can’t control themselves enough to keep their hands off women on theJansonna, maybe they shouldn’t be here.”

“Females in heat should not be walking around the worldship alone,” I snap. “Your people should not allow it.”

She huffs. “I’m not in heat! I don’t even know what that means. I-I don’t think it’s something that happens to humans. You’re mistaken.” She walks around me, giving me a wide berth. “In any case, I’ll thank you to stop smelling me.” She takes off down the corridor, but I zip around her and block her path yet again.

She peers at me with wide eyes.Fluxx, she’s beautiful. Especially when her cheeks are flushed with anger. But she’s being reckless, and I won’t allow her to endanger herself. I tell myself it’s because Admiral Tornn asked me to keep her safe and nothing more, though it’s difficult to deny the maddening effect her scent has on me.

“Human females don’t reach maturity at the age of nineteen and go into heat?” I ask, though I vaguely recall something about humans reaching maturity at the age of eighteen. Hm. I should’ve paid more attention to the medical reports our doctors compiled after examining several human women.

“No. We don’t,” she eventually says. She gives me an odd look.

“Interesting. Hm. I’ve heard humans on theJansonnaare given hormone suppression shots to quell their baser urges, but I find it difficult to believe you’ve had such a shot. You smell as though you’re becoming slick with need, your body craving the fulfillment of the mating act.”

She gasps and draws herself up taller, and her neck and face become flushed. “You are the rudest, most indecent male I have ever met. Now get the hell out of my way or I’ll scream. I’ll scream for the security officers. We’re on Deck Twenty-Two, which is one of the upper decks that’s reserved for Founders and their descendants, a residential area that’s never left unguarded. They’ll come quickly if I scream.” Her voice quavers as her gaze darts up and down the corridor.
