Page 9 of Brute's Mate

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Suddenly there’s a collective gasp, and my gaze darts around the seating area. Everyone is looking toward the entrance. I startle when I see Officer Brute himself storming inside, as though summoned by my thoughts. He’s holding a keycard and waving it in Angelo’s pale face. My fingers freeze on the keyboard, and I abruptly end the song.

Holy shit. Clearly, Officer Brute has full security clearance if he was able to open the storage room door. I watch as Leona approaches the scene, her demeanor so confident and carefree, I can’t help but admire her. Most of the patrons scatter to distant tables, and a few hide behind the bar. I’m tempted to go hide myself.

But goddammit, Brute is herebecause of me. He must’ve followed me. My face heats. What if he followed my scent? Is that possible? I press my thighs together as I recall his comments about me becoming slick with need and my body craving the fulfillment of the mating act.

His gaze lands on me and though I can’t hear it, I feel the reverberation of his growl. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and I feel breathless with… something. Desire?

But I’m also mad as hell. How dare he follow me? How dare he break into Leona’s Speakeasy and scare everyone?

With a deep sigh, I get up and leave the stage. I need to make sure he doesn’t go blab to Captain Warren. Surely he must realize he’s happened upon an illegal gathering, and if he tattles, everyone in this room will end up in the brig.

Even me. Niece of the captain.

I bet my asshole uncle would make sure I was sentenced to at least six moon cycles. The thought of being torn away from my mother for that long breaks my heart, and I resolve I’ll do whatever it takes to secure Officer Brute’s silence.

That means I’ll have to rein in my temper. I might have to actually be nice to the alien. I swallow hard as I approach the argument-in-process. Angelo, bless him, is trying his best to send Brute away, while Brute is threatening to rip Angelo’s arms and legs off. Whenever Leona attempts to get a word in, one of the men cuts her off. A muscle in her jaw flutters, the only hint she might be getting agitated.

They all fall silent and stare at me. Brute looks positively incensed, and a chill rushes down my spine at the fury glittering in his eyes. Well, that answers that question—yes, he is very angry that I slipped by him in the corridor and ran off.

I glance at Angelo, then Leona. “It’s okay,” I tell them. “I know this Darrvason.” Before they can question me, I grab Brute by the arm and pull him toward a secluded table. To my relief, he comes with me, though he tenses when I touch him. Once I’m sure he’s not going to run off, I release his arm and take a seat.

I expect him to sit across from me, but he sinks into the chair directly next to mine, clearly having no need for personal space. Or maybe hewantsto be close to me. I flush at the prospect, and I’m very aware of how close his leg rests to mine.

“You defied me, female.” His purple eyes spark with disbelief and rage, and my stomach promptly flips. Heat also pulses between my thighs, and I can’t help but squirm in the chair, desperate to assuage the ache.

To my great mortification, he glances at my lap and his nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath. My heart skitters. Heknows. He knows I’m becoming unsettled in my nether region.

He knows I’m attracted to him.

“Are you always so reckless and disobedient?” He leans down until his face is nearly level with mine, and his hot breath wafts against my cheeks. I can feel the eyes of everyone in Leona’s Speakeasy on us, but I can’t tear my gaze from his.

“Officer Brute,” I say, thinking it best I use his title. Saying his name without a title feels too intimate. “Officer Brute, I hope you’ll forgive me for my… disobedience. I’m very sorry and I will allow you to escort me back to my quarters if you wish.”

He glances around the bar and snorts. His penetrating stare soon returns to me. “Are you plying me with sweet words so I won’t report this illegal gathering to the captain?”

Shit. The ruse is up. I sigh, then shoot him a pleading look. “If you report this gathering, everyone in attendance will end up in the brig for at least six moon cycles. The people who run the bar might receive a harsher sentence. I-I might receive a harsher sentence if the captain finds out what kind of songs I’ve been singing.Pleasehave compassion. Please pretend you never saw this.”

“I’m not planning to report what I’ve seen to the captain.”

Relief rushes through me. “Thank you.”

“But you will not come here again, Jenny.” He grabs my leg, his huge fingers curling around my thigh. “It’s foolish to risk your safety. If security officers burst through the door one night…” His voice trails off and his grip on my thigh tightens.

“Fine,” I say, though I have every intention of coming back. After he loses interest and stops following me around, that is. Or after his assignment on theJansonnaconcludes and he returns to his people. Unless… unless he’s going to remain on the worldship until we reach planet 58-Z. God, I really hope that’s not the case.

“I will be watching.” His visage becomes severe. “I will be guarding you, female. If I catch you walking near this room, I will force you to return to your quarters. I’llfluxxingcarry you over my shoulder if I must.”

Leona bustles over with two large mugs of beer. She hums a jovial tune under her breath as she places the drinks in front of us. “Compliments of the house.” She winks, spins on her heel, and heads back to the bar. I muse that if I could put her confidence in a bottle, I’d drink the whole thing down.

I grasp the mug between my hands and take a long sip. After setting the mug down, I watch as Brute carefully sniffs his beverage. His nose wrinkles with distaste, but he soon lifts the mug and takes a hesitant sip.

“Well? What do you think of human beer? Leona brews it herself. She also makes wine and stronger drinks, like Starshine—that stuff will make you see double after just one sip.”

Brute peers at my mug with a frown. “The beer is stronger than I expected, though not unpalatable. However, you are a tiny creature and you should not consume more than one glass at a time.”

“Tiny creature?” I quickly chug the whole thing down, then beckon Leona to bring another, which she’s quick to do. She peers between me and Brute with a questioning look of amusement before returning to the bar.

Brute snarls and grabs the beer from my hands. “No, you will not drink more. You could become inebriated or even sick. Your tiny body likely cannot handle so much alcohol.”
