Page 65 of Secret Vendettay

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“Sort of.”

“The hell doessort ofmean?” Hunter asked.

The bodyguard next to him shifted and looked at Hunter, awaiting orders regarding the captive man’s release.

“Let him go,” I said.

“Like hell,” Hunter snarled, his hired man unrelenting with his vise-like grip.

“This is Rodney. My dad’s old cellmate and friend. Rodney, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Your dad sent me,” Rodney grumbled. “Now will you tell your guard dogs to back down?”

“Please let him go.”

After a silent exchange between the bodyguard and Hunter, Rodney yanked his wrists free and looked like he wished he wasn’t on parole so he could clock that bodyguard right in his jaw.

“Rodney, how do you know where I live?” I flexed my fingers at my side.

He scratched the back of his head. “Your dad gave me your address.”

“Why?” I muttered.

“Your dad heard you were attacked.”

“How did he hear about it?” I stepped forward.

He raised an eyebrow. “Girl gets attacked in the prison parking lot; you think the entire prison hasn’t heard about it within the hour?”

I scowled. Right. “Why’d he send you here?” The words came out sharper than intended, betraying the tension knotting my stomach.

“He demanded I come lay eyes on you and see for myself if you’re really okay. He didn’t trust you to be honest with him over the phone.”

Here my father was, in a cold, unending dungeon, suffering a fate that would shatter the strongest of spirits. Yet, amid his torment, he was worried aboutmysafety. It was a testament to a love so profound that even in the darkest abyss, it burned brighter than the sun.

I was fine. Physically at least, and these haunting images of what almost happened, what could have happened, in that van would go away soon. I’d stop reliving that blood seeping from Anthony’s skin, seeing it as a crimson reminder that it could have been my own as I lay there, dying.

No one else seemed to notice that my fingers began to tremble, but Hunter glanced at my hands with furrowed brows. He hesitated, perhaps torn between comforting me and wanting to respect the boundaries I’d put up. Which made me want to break them down even more.

After a few seconds, Hunter quietly moved to my side and wrapped his hand around mine in a soothing embrace—a tender moment that enveloped my heart like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. I locked eyes with his, overwhelmed by his kindness and adoration. I’d never had a man look at me like this—capable of making even the most chaotic scenes fade in my periphery.

Even after I’d rejected him, Hunter dropped everything to come over here and make sure I was safe, comforting me in the process. Unleashing affection like a fog escaping a bottle—impossible to control.

Only this time, I wasn’t sure I wanted to…

It took a concerted effort to break my stare with Hunter and clear my throat.

“I’m fine, Rodney. Please tell him not to worry.”

Rodney’s eyes jumped from me to the three men around me. “Who the hell are these people?”

“How did he make it to her front door?” Hunter glared at his bodyguard, who lifted his chin.

He said, “Sent the alert as soon as I saw him drive up.”

Hunter ground his jaw, tightening his grip on my hand.

“They’re watching out for me,” I assured Rodney.
