Page 101 of Iron Secrets

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“Watching you stare googly-eyed at your phone. It’s gross.” Anthony kicked her playfully with his bare foot.

“Shut up.” Sam laughed, kicking him back. “Just because you have commitment issues.”

Anthony shrugged. “I’m afraid of people who aren’t afraid of commitment.”

Sam tossed her head back and laughed loudly.

“How’s it going with him, anyway?”

“Great. He took me on vacation to the beach. We’re still getting to know each other, but,” Sam blushed and stared down at her lap, “I love him.”

“Like I said, ew,” Anthony said, but he was smiling. “Jokes aside, I’m happy for you, Squirt. I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

“He’s bringing breakfast,” Sam said, yawning. “I’ll set coffee up, and then I’m heading to bed. Do you need anything else?”

“Nope, I’m all set, thanks. Goodnight,” Anthony said, stretching his legs out on the couch when Sam stood and gathered up their trash. She kissed the top of his head before walking to her room and climbing into bed.

Sam woke up and hurried into the shower, wanting to be up and dressed by the time Aero showed up. She washed her hair, tossed on some jeans and a t-shirt, and headed to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee.

Anthony popped his head up from the couch and said, “Morning.”

“Hey. Coffee?” Sam offered, turning toward him and holding the carafe aloft.

Anthony’s eyes went wide, and her brows drew together.

“What? You don’t drink coffee anymore?” Sam asked, and he jumped up off the couch, rounded the counter, and grasped her face in his hands.

“What the fuck happened to you?!” Anthony shouted, taking in the light purple and slightly green bruising around his sister’s eye.

“Oh, shit,” Sam gasped, remembering the remnants of her black eye.

“Where’d you get this?” Anthony demanded, lifting her eyelid with his thumb and making her blink frantically.

“Stop it, I’m fine,” Sam insisted, pulling her face from his hands and putting the coffee down.

“Sam, I know what fine looks like, and that’s not fine,” Anthony pushed, hands on his hips.

Sam had been covering the bruising from where Aero had elbowed her with some strong concealer, foundation, and powder that she’d gotten at the fancy makeup store two days after he’d elbowed her. She couldn’t take the sad, guilty, devastated way Aero looked at her bruises and did her best to cover them. He looked like a kicked puppy, and it broke her heart every time she saw him. Thankfully, the injury stopped hurting after a week or so, and the bruising started to fade.

“Why didn’t I see that yesterday?”

“I covered it with makeup?” Sam shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

“Was it—” Anthony began, but the doorbell rang.

Sam froze. It was Aero. It had to be. She locked eyes with Anthony for a second, then bolted for the door. He was faster, yanking the door open and finding a startled Aero holding a box of donuts.

“Hello,” Aero said, taking in Anthony, who looked so much like Sam that it gave him pause. They could have been twins, from the hazel of their eyes to the light brown shade of their hair. His was cut in a military crew, and unlike Sam, he was tall. “I’m Aero.”

Aero extended a hand toward Anthony, who ignored it, staring at him with wide eyes and a tense jaw.

“Is Sam okay?” Aero asked, trying to glance around Anthony’s shoulders into the apartment.

“No, no, she’s not,” Anthony snapped, opening the door the rest of the way.

Sam appeared, holding up her hands. “Aero, this is my brother Anthony, who’s going to be on his best behavior and let you into my house.”
