Page 109 of Iron Secrets

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“I’m sorry,” Anthony said sincerely. “I understand. I’ve been there.”

Knowing Anthony’s background, Aero took his words to heart instead of as empty sympathies offered up by people who don’t know what else to say. “Thanks.”

When Aero steadied himself, Anthony released his arm, and they continued walking back toward the clubhouse. “I missed his funeral because I couldn’t make it to Tennessee. He was only nineteen.”

Anthony swallowed hard. Having been to more military funerals than anyone should ever have to, he knew exactly the look of agony and heartache on the family’s faces. The younger the person was, the worse the reaction from the family.

“What happened to you? Your injuries, I mean,” Anthony asked.

“I was lucky. The Humvee behind ours was mostly fine, just some exterior damage. One of the men in that crew was trained for combat lifesaving. He tended to us until we got evacuated. His name was Hernandez. He patched me up the best he could. I had some open wounds, and there were pieces of shrapnel embedded in my shoulder,” Aero said, his arm and chest aching at the memory.

“I was transferred to the U.S. Army hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. I was there for a month while my more severe wounds healed. Then they sent me home.” Aero closed his eyes and remembered the relief he’d felt at seeing his parents waiting for him at the airport. His mother had cried, clung to him, and sobbed into his uniform. His father, uncharacteristically teary-eyed, had waited until his mother let go, then shook Aero’s hand and took his bag from him to carry out to the truck. He shivered, a deep longing settling in his gut.

“I know guys who were set to Landstuhl. They say it’s a beautiful area, especially after being in the desert. I was fortunate enough to never find out,” Anthony said, saying a prayer for the millionth time that he was never wounded during his service.

The men walked behind the clubhouse again, and Aero, his knees shaking from the overwhelming emotions he was experiencing while sharing with Anthony, sat down at the picnic table where he had sat with Sam when they first started talking. For a moment, he thought he could smell her soothing lavender scent, but the breeze blew the other way, carrying the comfort away from him.

“Did Sam tell you about Sarah?” Aero asked, rubbing his hands over his face.

Anthony tilted his head to the side. “Who’s that?”

Aero sighed. “She was my wife.”

“Oh, yeah. She told me when she came to visit.”

Aero’s head snapped up, and he stared at Anthony, incredulous. “How is that possible?”

He hadn’t told Sam about Sarah until they went to Maine, which was well after she visited New Mexico. Sam couldn’t have known.

Anthony stared back at Aero, wide-eyed, realizing his mistake. Deciding honesty was the best option, he said, “She saw a picture in your wallet.”

Aero stiffened. Of course. The photo of Sarah and Nora in his wallet. Sam would’ve seen it when he ruined their date and she went inside to pay. She never said anything, never let on that she knew, never pushed him or asked questions. She simply sat back and waited for him to come to her with it.

“She’s incredible,” Aero whispered.

“Who?” Anthony asked, not following.

“Sammy. She’s one of a kind,” Aero said, smiling sadly down at the table.

“Yeah, I know.” Anthony smiled, his pride and admiration for his sister blossoming in his chest.

“I just hope she forgives me.”

“Me too, man. I’m sorry about what happened before,” Anthony repeated his apology.

“No hard feelings,” Aero told him. “I have two younger sisters, McKenzie and Bethany. If I had walked in and seen what you did, I would’ve assumed the same thing. Then kicked your ass.”

Anthony chuckled. “Good to know.”

“I won’t let her hold it against you,” Aero promised, “assuming she talks to either of us again.”

“She’ll get over it. Sam used to do this when we were kids. She’d get mad, hide in her room, then come down to dinner like nothing happened,” Anthony said.

“I don’t know,” Aero said. “I think I scared her.”

“Just give her time. Sam’s a reasonable person. She’ll come around.”

“I love her, you know,” Aero said, his heart squeezing painfully.
