Page 111 of Iron Secrets

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She immediately sat on the edge of his bed, kicking off her shoes and lying down on his pillows. His chest squeezed upon seeing her curled up on his comforter, her warm hazel eyes locked on him.

Sitting beside her, Aero rasped, “Sammy, I’m so sorry. This morning was a disaster.”

She nodded, then looked away from him as tears filled her eyes.

His heart hurt at the sight of her so upset. She’d seemingly lost the sparkle that he’d grown to love so much, which made him feel even more guilty.

“Your brother and I talked, and we’ve reached an understanding,” Aero said, not quite ready to share everything he’d talked to Anthony about.

“What kind of understanding?” Sam asked, her voice thick with tears. She sat up and leaned against her pillows.

Aero shifted, laying beside her and gathering her to his chest, rubbing her back as she shuddered a breath.

“He followed me to the compound,” Aero started, and she tensed. “At first, he was really pissed off, but Blaze stepped in, and I got to explain what happened. Then we went for a walk and discussed my nightmare.”

“What did he say?” Sam asked, gripping Aero’s bicep and feeling the strength of his muscles.

“He understands now. Your brother gets what I went through. He experienced it too, so we connected in a way. Anthony listened to me for a while. I told him I love you, and he just wants you to be happy and taken care of,” Aero explained.

“So you’re buddies now?” Sam asked, and Aero chuckled.

“I guess you could say that.” He smiled, gazing down into her eyes. “I’m sorry I broke your house. I’ll fix it, I swear.” Aero cupped her jaw in one hand.

“You scared me,” she said, tears welling in her eyes. “I’ve never seen you like that.”

Aero sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. I was just so angry that he hit you, then wouldn’t let me help you.”

Sam nodded, still a bit unsure. While she’d decided that the fight was a fluke, an event brought on by an unfortunate situation that none of them were prepared to handle, a little voice in the back of her mind was still shouting danger.

“I’m not a violent man, Sammy. I would never come at you like that, even if you made me mad,” Aero promised.

Logically, she knew that. Even when he was upset or struggling, Aero had been gentle with her, never taking his frustrations out on her when others likely would have.

“That said, I will do anything to protect you,” Aero said, staring into her tender hazel eyes.

“So you’d kill for me?” Sam cocked a brow, and he grinned.

“In a heartbeat.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead.

She smiled at him—a soft, pretty smile that melted his heart. She exhaled heavily, letting go of her doubts and fears. Aero loved her. Her brother loved her. It was that love that caused the fight, not the men’s capacity for violence. In their own misguided ways, they were trying to protect Sam, not hurt her. She could see that now.

“I love you, Sammy,” Aero said. “There are a few things I’d like to tell you about my time in Iraq and about my nightmares. Not tonight, though, okay? You’ve been through enough today.”

Sam’s heart fluttered in her chest, thrilled that he now felt he could share that part of his life with her. “I’d like to hear about it.”

“Sammy,” Aero rumbled, sliding his hand down her side and gripping her hip. The air around them shifted, taking on a heavy sensuality neither of them could deny.

“Remind me how much you love me,” Sam murmured, and Aero shivered, shifting so he was braced above her, claiming her mouth with his own.

“We’re gonna miss the fireworks,” he breathed, “this might take a while.”

Sam laughed, holding Aero close as he showed her, in no uncertain terms, how much he loved her.

Chapter 21

“Ready?” Sam asked, looking through the windshield of Aero’s truck at the two-story white house before them, surrounded by rolling hills and farmland.

“I don’t know,” Aero said, swallowing the lump in his throat at the sight of his childhood home. He thought he was ready. For over six hours, as they drove, he believed he was ready to see his parents, his home, and his sisters. He thought he was ready to confront his family and his past, but sitting in the driveway with reality in front of him, he was no longer so sure.
