Page 116 of Iron Secrets

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“This is Ashlyn,” she said, showing a photo of the little girl. Explaining about the couples who lived on the compound and their kids, Sam swiped through photo after photo, each one making her both happy and sad at the same time.

“And there’s Ma,” she continued, showing the girls a photo of Ma seated at a picnic table playing cards with Nash and Bones.

Sam smiled, looking at the face of the club’s matriarch. Ma had taken a liking to Sam, even before she’d started dating Aero, making sure she ate and everyone was behaving around her. “She cooks their meals and keeps the house running.”

Still swiping through her gallery, Bethany gasped, “My God, who is that?”

Sam giggled, letting Bethany snatch the phone away to inspect a photo of Kai. He was leaning against the pool table, cue in one hand and beer in the other, grinning widely at the camera. His dark skin and hair glowed in the bar lights, his tattooed arms on display beneath his cut.

“That’s Kai. He’s the resident bartender and a huge flirt.”

“I can see why,” Bethany said, waggling her blonde brows suggestively. “What’re you doing with my brother when that guy is available? Please tell me he’s available. Then let me come visit.”

Sam tossed her head back and laughed out loud. “He’s single, as far as I know. But we’re just friends. All the guys treat me like a little sister, honestly. It can be annoying, but I love them for it.”

“Forget him; who is that?” McKenzie asked, sliding the phone back across the table.

Sam’s shoulders shook with laughter before she asked, “Aren’t you married?”

McKenzie grinned wickedly. “I’m just browsing. Window shopping, if you will.”

Sam tossed her head back and laughed while Bethany said, “I’m telling Dave.”

“Oh, please. After ten years of marriage, he totally knows. I can look without touching.” McKenzie shrugged, and her sister giggled.

Holding out the phone to show an image from a summer cookout at the compound where Blaze and Evie sat beside Ashlyn, who splashed in the baby pool.

“That’s Blaze. He’s their president. That’s his wife, Evie. I wouldn’t get too excited. They’re hopelessly devoted to each other.”

The sisters aww’d together, looking at pictures of Blaze, Evie, Ashlyn, and Elliot.

“Blaze is a good friend. He’s really helped Aero out with the business and got him into counseling.”

“Counseling? Really?” McKenzie asked, her brows lifting in surprise.

Sam nodded. “Aero goes at least once a week.”

The sisters shared a look, and momentarily Sam wondered if she shouldn’t have told them about Dr. Byrd. It was more of Aero’s business, in addition to his nightmares, and perhaps he didn’t want his sisters to know. A sinking feeling developed in her gut at the thought that he would be upset with her for telling his secrets.

“Thank God,” McKenzie said, closing her eyes.


“We tried to get Mark to see someone for years. Especially right after we lost Sarah and Nora. He refused to go. He fought with Mom about it so much that Dad had to step in,” Bethany divulged.

Sam thought about Aero’s father, Bill. He seemed like a no-nonsense kind of guy, a man’s man, someone strong and capable. “Did he want him to go to therapy?”

McKenzie shook her head. “Our dad is the “Keep it inside and it’ll go away” type of person. He just refused to let Mark be disrespectful to Mom, so he put an end to it.”

Sam nodded in understanding. “I think Aero was a bit ashamed of it. He didn’t wanna tell me he was getting help, but he kept going. I’m so proud of him.”

Bethany and McKenzie shared a relieved smile. “Us too.”

“I’ll make sure he keeps going,” Sam promised.

“Good. Now, enough of the heavy. Tell us about you. Why does our brother look at you like the sun shines out your ass?” Bethany asked, swiping her glass off the table and finishing her drink.

Sam laughed out loud, settling into her seat and starting to trade stories with the two women.

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