Page 119 of Iron Secrets

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A light knock on the door made Sam sit up and flick on the bedside lamp.

Aero stepped through the door into his childhood bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind himself.

“Hi,” Sam said, immediately reaching out for him. Aero slipped his hand into hers and sat on the edge of the bed. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Aero said, but Sam wasn’t convinced.

Aero sighed. “I’m sorry about the sleeping arrangements.”

When it was time for bed on their first night in Kansas, it was made clear that Aero was expected to sleep on the couch while Sam took his bed upstairs.

“My parents are old-fashioned.” Aero rolled his eyes, and Sam giggled.

“It’s fine. Would you be more comfortable up here? I can take the couch,” Sam offered, but Aero shook his head.

“Are you worried you’ll have a nightmare?” Sam asked, and Aero nodded. “Come lay with me for a minute.”

Aero didn’t hesitate; he just rounded the bed and slipped beneath the covers, resting his head on her chest. Sam stroked his hair softly, hugging him tight.

“I’m just afraid, because of going to the cemetery…” Aero gulped. “I’m afraid I’ll have a nightmare about them.”

“That’s understandable,” Sam said gently. “Are your nightmares ever about them back home?”

“Yeah,” Aero admitted. “Not as often as before. Right after they died, it was all I dreamt about.”

Sam’s heart squeezed. “I’m sorry, love.”

“The dreams aren’t always bad. When I wake up, though, I’m a mess,” Aero said, breathing in Sam’s lavender scent and feeling himself relax. “Sometimes I dream about what Nora might be like now. Other times, it’s Sarah yelling at me for killing them.”

“Oh,” Sam whispered, kissing the top of his head to hide how she tensed at the accusation. Of course, she knew Sarah didn’t blame him, and it was his ongoing guilt manifesting in that way, but this wasn’t the time to psychoanalyze his dreams. Right now, he needed comfort and reassurance.

“It’s stupid, really, because in all the years I knew her, Sarah never once yelled. At me, or anyone else,” Aero said. “Byrd says it’s my subconscious taking the form of Sarah, projecting my guilt.”

Sam nodded, not knowing what to say. They’d spoken briefly about Aero’s sessions with Byrd, what was discussed, and how Aero felt about it. Sam had remained neutral, letting him vent and only offering up thoughts or ideas if he asked.

“Sarah was really soft-spoken. Unless she’d been drinking.” Aero chuckled. “When she had too much, she got loud. She’d laugh like everything was hysterical, or she’d talk way too loud. I’d have to wrangle her into bed so she wouldn’t start singing.”

Sam laughed. “Evie is like that.”

Aero nodded, sighing heavily. “Evie reminds me of Sarah sometimes. Seeing her with Ashlyn, it’s painful.”

Sam couldn’t imagine having to live in a place where someone you liked, someone who was a friend, caused you to hurt, even if they didn’t mean it.

“I can’t believe they’re managing with a toddler and a baby in that one room,” Sam mused, thinking of Evie and Blaze, who were waiting to close on a house near the compound that would give them all more space.

“I know. Thank God they’re moving out. I’m sure they’ll be more comfortable in their house,” Aero commented, and Sam agreed. “They do pretty well, though.”

“Yeah,” Sam said. “Do you wanna leave the compound?”

Aero thought about it. “I don’t know. Probably not right away. It’s been my safe place for so long, and I think I’d miss it.”

“We could do what everyone else did and buy a house nearby,” Sam said, the words slipping out before she could stop them.

Aero grinned, gazing up at her with bright eyes. “Yeah, Sammy, we can do that.”

Sam relaxed, her mind spinning with possibilities.

“I’m so tired.” Aero yawned.
