Page 53 of Iron Secrets

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“I… Aero,” Sam whispered, clutching his thigh as he bit gently on her earlobe.

“Uh, hey,” a deep voice said, a bucket of ice water dumped on both of them, startling them from the moment.

Aero looked up and saw Blaze, Evie, Zed, and Gemma staring at them. Zed was giggling like a schoolgirl and Gemma jabbed him with her elbow. “Stop it. You’re so rude.”

“They’re the ones sucking face in the middle of—”

Gemma grabbed Zed by his jeans pocket and yanked him out of the way toward another booth, leaving a stunned Blaze and Evie in their wake.

“Um, Aero, got a minute?” Blaze said once he recovered from his shock.

Aero cleared his throat and stood, following Blaze down the hall toward his office.

Evie threw herself into Aero’s vacated seat and squealed. “Oh my God!”

Sam laughed. “I know. I know.”

“No, really, I just don’t, I mean, what did you do to him? Are you a witch?”

“I’m not a witch,” Sam said. “We’ve been seeing each other for a few months.”

“Where have I been?” Evie asked, seemingly dismayed at having missed it. “Does Ma know? You have to tell Ma. Oh, who am I kidding, she already knows.”

“Evie.” Sam giggled, handing over her wine glass. “Drink this and chill out.”

Evie took it and sipped. “I’ve never seen him talk to a woman, let alone be so… touchy-feely. In public, no less.”

“Aero’s very sweet and we’re taking things slow. I didn’t plan on coming here, and I certainly didn’t plan on the PDA,” Sam said, shivering as she recalled Aero’s lips on her skin. “He’s having a good day.”

“I’ll say.” Evie winked, finishing off the wine and waving to Kai for a refill. He set two full glasses in front of the women and disappeared just before Blaze and Aero returned to the booth.

“Angel, let’s leave them to it. You’re being nosy.”

Evie huffed in protest, but took her husband’s hand and let him lead her away, shooting Sam a grin over her shoulder.

Aero sat back down with Sam and took a long drink of his beer.

“Everything okay?” Sam asked, tilting her head toward where Blaze was standing at the bar.

“Yeah, just an accounting question about the business,” Aero shared, scooting closer to Sam and taking her hand, kissing her knuckles. Nuzzling his cheek against her hand, he whispered, “Let’s go upstairs.”

Sam nodded slowly, finishing her wine and following Aero up the stairs. Zed whistled as they passed, prompting Evie, who was now seated beside him, to swat him in the back of the head.

Sam chuckled but kept an eye on Aero’s reaction to Zed. There didn’t seem to be one, at least not a physical response. She smiled at the progress.

Inside Aero’s room, he kissed her deeply, cupping her jaw gently in his hands.

“Mmm,” she hummed, moving to walk him backward toward his bed. He let her, grasping her by the hips and tugging her down on top of him once they reached the mattress.

Sam kissed him desperately, taking all the contact and attention he was lavishing on her, accepting the gift for what it was and not letting a second go to waste. Rolling her tongue against his, she realized her hips were moving against him of their own accord, creating friction.

“Sammy,” Aero panted, clutching her tight and feeling the softness of her body against his.

“Tell me if you wanna stop,” she said gently, dragging her tongue down his neck toward the collar of his t-shirt.

“Fuck,” he breathed, tangling his hands in her hair as she pulled the fabric aside, kissing his skin again and again.

“You okay?”
