Page 60 of Iron Secrets

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Sam nodded along, shoving bites of muffin into her mouth so she didn’t have to respond. Someone caught her attention just over Kelly’s shoulder, flipping their blonde hair dramatically as if seeking Sam’s eye.

Rachel Dean turned and stepped aside, Mike Weaver coming into view beside her. The pair stood just a hair too close together, making Sam shift uncomfortably while they stared at her.

“Can you?” Kelly was asking her.

“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Sam asked, dragging her attention back to Kelly.

Kelly frowned a little but did repeat her request. “For the Christmas carnival, could you pop the popcorn and sell it? We need a ton because we’re gonna have the fourth graders make popcorn garlands for the trees.”

“Oh, sure, absolutely,” Sam agreed. She loved the Christmas carnival and was always happy to help, but she wasn’t in a place to discuss garland at the moment, considering Mike Weaver was marching his way up the aisle toward her and Kelly.

“Kelly.” He stepped up beside his wife and wrapped an arm around her slim shoulders.

“Honey, stop,” Kelly said, taking a step away and making his arm drop away. “You know how I feel about that at school.”

Mike pressed his lips into a flat line but said nothing. “Sam, do you have a minute? I have a question about class next week.”

Sam wanted to decline. What was he going to do, drag her into the other room in front of everyone? Still, it was impolite to deny the request of a more senior teacher, and it was unlike Sam to be uncooperative, so she nodded and followed Mike out of the double doors toward his classroom.

He held the door for her, a gesture that would normally be polite but made her wince. Once he closed the door behind them, he turned on her, backing her up toward the chalkboard.

Sam’s eyes widened as he invaded her space, her pulse kicking up into hyperdrive as fear tripped through her.

“What’d you tell her?” Mike hissed, his nose almost touching Sam’s. His breath smelled of stale coffee and made her stomach roll.

“Nothing. We were talking about the Christmas carnival,” Sam said honestly. “I swear.”

Mike stared daggers at Sam, his piercing gaze making her tremble.

“Please don’t hurt me,” Sam whispered, inching her hand down, down, down, reaching for her cell phone. It wasn’t in her pocket, though. She’d turned off the ringer and placed it in her bag during the meeting. God damned manners.

“Why would I do that?” Mike asked, a bizarre laugh escaping him. “So you can run to your best friend Peggy and get me fired? I don’t think so.”

“Mike, I—”

“Shut up,” he snapped. “Look, I don’t want you talking to my wife. Ever. We both know you can’t keep a secret. You’re an ass-kisser and have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. Do us all a favor, keep your mouth shut, and leave my wife alone.”

Sam wanted to argue. She was so tired of everyone painting her like a babe in the woods as if she couldn’t take care of herself or stand up to anyone. A small ember of rage ignited inside her, and Sam felt her hands ball into fists.

“I’d really hate for something to happen to you,” Mike said, his voice deceptively calm now as he stroked his pointer finger up and down her sweater sleeve. She wanted to throw up. “You know, the wrong kind of attention might mess with your career. Or your classroom. Think about your students.”

Mike gave a dramatic sigh and all Sam’s internal organs turned into ice. What did he know? How much power did he wield? He couldn’t mess with her classroom, could he?

An eerie smile broke out on Mike’s face upon seeing her expression. “I see I’ve gotten through to you. Never speak to Kelly again. You got me?”

Sam nodded once. She wouldn’t risk her career. Not only for herself but her students. They needed her. Ellie was struggling with her reading benchmarks, and she was monitoring Jaiden’s speech patterns for the speech pathologist. She knew Bryce’s parents were in the middle of a nasty divorce, and she’d just caught wind of a CPS report being made about Amelia. She couldn’t do anything that might take her out of her classroom, or else—

“Are you listening to me?” Mike’s voice cut through her errant thoughts.

Sam didn’t know what to do. Scream? Make a run for it? Knee him in the junk?

Before she could decide, Mike took a large step backward as the door swung open and Kelly entered.

“Mike? Are you picking up the kids from basketball or should I plan on getting them?”

“I’ll pick them up, honey. Don’t worry about it,” Mike said to his wife, keeping his eyes on Sam who was using every ounce of energy in her body to remain still and not let on to what had just transpired.

“Great. Thanks. Sam, what’re you up to tonight?” Kelly asked, taking a seat on the edge of Mike’s desk.
