Page 70 of Iron Secrets

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Sam blanched but kept her thoughts to herself. “Yeah, I’m good, just busy.”

Kelly nodded. “Um, I was wondering, have you spoken to Mike at all lately?”

Sam’s heart began to thunder in her ears. She was so screwed. “Not since the faculty meeting.”

Kelly nodded slowly. “Well, if you do talk to him or, I don’t know, see anything weird, could you let me know?”

Sam wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Every fiber of her being was screaming at her to confess, to tell the truth, that she hadn’t done anything wrong and Mike was the one who was hurting Kelly, but when she opened her mouth to speak, nothing came out.

“It’s just…” Kelly sighed, resting her chin on her hand and looking forlorn. “He’s been distant lately. I know you aren’t married, but I’m sure you can imagine how that feels.”

Sam nodded stiffly. She didn’t understand, because she knew Aero wasn’t the type to be unfaithful, but she wasn’t going to tell Kelly that and add insult to injury.

“Kelly, I really need to get home,” Sam said, not bothering to come up with an excuse for why she was in such a hurry.

“Oh, of course. Have a good night,” Kelly said, giving her a half-smile and waving as Sam exited the library.

When she passed the front office, a voice called out, “Hey.”

Sam spun on her heels toward the sound and saw Rachel behind her desk. “Oh, Rachel. You scared me.”

“Good,” Rachel snapped. “I heard what Kelly said. What did you tell her?”

“Nothing,” Sam insisted, holding up her palms as a gesture of innocence. “She brought it up, I swear.”

Rachel tapped her manicured nails on the desktop, her eyes assessing Sam up and down. “It’s a shame that sometimes things don’t work out, you know?”

“Yeah, I suppose so,” Sam murmured, taking a step backward, wanting to leave the conversation as well as the building.

“Especially when someone tries so hard to make it work,” Rachel continued, and Sam was getting the feeling that she wasn’t discussing Mike and Kelly’s marriage. “Sometimes the resources just aren’t there.”

“Uh-huh,” Sam whispered, not understanding.

“So when someone gives you an opportunity, you don’t want anything to get in the way right?”

Sam’s brows drew together. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Rachel smirked. “Don’t you?”

Her eyes cut to the side toward the empty mail bin on the corner of her desk.

Sam cut off a gasp. “You messed with my application?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Rachel’s face was impassive.

“You did something with the envelope. You were here when I dropped it off. Where’d you put it?” Sam demanded, fury boiling the blood in her veins. How dare she?

Rachel shrugged one shoulder. “No idea. Everyone knows you can’t trust the postal service. They lose things all the time.”

“They didn’t lose anything,” Sam insisted, planting her hands on her hips. “You took it. That money is for the school, for my students. Why would you mess that up?”

Again, Rachel gave a negligent shrug. “I hope it all worked out for you.”

“Maybe I should go tell Kelly,” Sam suggested, her anger bubbling up and escaping from her mouth as bitter words. “Then you’d know what it feels like when someone ruins something important for you.”

Rachel’s eyes narrowed into slits. “Keep your mouth shut, Sam.”

Sam wanted to give a petulant, “Make me,” but thought better of it. Instead, she moved toward the front doors. “Have a good night, Rachel.”
