Page 99 of Iron Secrets

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His gaze roved over her until he saw she was covering one eye and the other was full of tears. His own eyes grew wide and his chest pitched. “What did I do?”

His voice was an anguished whisper. He stood and moved toward her slowly.

“Nothing, love, it’s just—” Sam started, but he pulled her hand away from her face.

“Sammy,” he whispered, taking in the red mark that surrounded her eye socket. It was quickly swelling, the redness spreading, and her right eye looked pink and irritated.

“Don’t, Aero, I’m fine,” Sam insisted, but he shook his head.

“No, you’re not.” Guilt and self-loathing settled in his gut as he surveyed the damage he’d caused. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Really, I didn’t—”

“Aero,” Sam said loudly, stopping his babbling. She took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. “I’m okay. I just need some ice. It was an accident.”

“Yeah, but—” Aero started to protest, but she shushed him.

“You didn’t hurt me on purpose. It was an accident. It could’ve happened to anyone. I’m absolutely certain I’m not the only one whose partner has elbowed them in the eyeball while sleeping,” Sam insisted, trying to smile, but the pain made it look more like a grimace.

Aero’s face was contrite, his eyes large and soft, and she saw they were wet with tears.

“I’m okay, love. Really. Wanna help me get some ice?”

Aero swallowed hard and nodded. “I’ll get it. Come on.” He took her hand and led her from the bedroom, sat her on the couch, and headed for the freezer.

Sam blinked in the low light of the living room, a single lamp in the corner. Her vision was clearing up; the previous blurriness was probably a mixture of sleep and rubbing it. She could see, which was good news. Her head was starting to ache; the pain was a dull pulsing that matched her heartbeat.

Aero emerged from the kitchen and sat beside Sam, gently pressing a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a dish towel to her eye.

“Thank you,” Sam said, smiling from beneath the makeshift ice pack.

“I’m sorry, Sammy.” Aero felt as though the ground was falling out from under him. He’d hurt her, which was unforgivable regardless of the circumstances.

“Aero, please, calm down,” Sam said, twining her fingers with his. “It’s not a big deal.”


“No. This could’ve happened to anyone, okay? Whether they have nightmares or not. Stop blaming yourself, please.”

Her voice broke a bit as her emotions overwhelmed her. The situation was gutting him, she could tell, and she knew nothing she could say would change his thoughts. No words or actions would pull him from the path he was on, believing that he was guilty of some terrible deed. She hated that she couldn’t put him at ease, wanting only to comfort him.

“Can I get you anything else?” Aero asked, his shoulders sagging in defeat.

“Maybe some ibuprofen?” Sam asked, both because her head hurt and because she thought letting him fuss over her might make him feel better. Aero hopped to his feet and headed to the bathroom.

She heard him rifling through the medicine cabinet, then he made a stop in the kitchen before bringing her two small red pills and a glass of water.

“Thanks.” Sam set aside the peas and tossed back the pills with a swallow of water.

“Keep this on,” Aero insisted, returning the ice pack to her face.

“Yes, sir.” Sam gave him a mock salute with her free hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.

“That’s better.” Sam scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder. His arms wound around her, holding her gently.

“I love you, Sammy,” Aero rumbled, his earlier panic and devastation starting to fade away, leaving guilt behind.

“I love you, too, Aero,” Sam said quietly. “What time is it?”

He glanced over her shoulder at the clock on the stove. “Three-forty-two.”
