Page 19 of Tristitia

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“Not particularly,” I replied honestly. The captain and I hadn’t discussed it since he’d given me the job, and the question took me by surprise.

I didn’t mention my father’s suggestion that I make a big public show of resigning in shame. It wasn’t Captain Soren’s style at all; he’d hate the idea. Nyfain would come back any day now, and I’d be forced to make a decision either way, but it hadn’t happened yet.

“Do you want to stay?”

“I don’t want to leave.” I didn’t want to walk away from my life here even though I knew I’d have to eventually.

“Then don’t. Direct your father to me if he complains. I’ll happily tell him I can’t spare you. I’m going to attempt to fetch Allerick for the Council meeting. The queen may or may not be joining you shortly.”

It was difficult to tell with Captain Soren, but I was fairly sure he was at least a little amused beneath that mask of perfect indifference.

Eventually, the royal couple emerged, trailing behind the captain and both looking far less put together than usual.

“I need to siphon,” the king announced, fairly radiating with excess power.

Captain Soren snorted. “I bet.”

I gave Ophelia what I hoped was a reassuring smile as her face flushed as red as her hair. How strange to think that not only was her desire fueling the king, but also many of the Shades in the realm, until we were able to return to feeding in the human realm as normal.

“Where would you like to go?” I asked her once the king was done with hislonggoodbye and had vanished up the corridor with Captain Soren.

“Could we stop by the kitchens? I just want to check that accommodating the Hunters’ dietary needs isn’t going to be an issue.” Ophelia flushed red again. “Something I should have checked on a few days ago, of course, but I was a little…”

“Busy?” I suggested, mostly keeping the amusement out of my voice.

“Sure, let’s go with that,” Ophelia laughed. “After that, I should head over to Elverston House, but you won’t be able to come in with me.”

She sounded worried about that, as though my feelings might be hurt by the exclusion. Ophelia was so verysweet—not a trait anyone would have ever chosen for a Shade monarch, but a welcome one nonetheless.

“I’ll wait outside,” I assured her. “It’s no hassle for me.”

Frankly, I’d far prefer to spend an entire day waiting at the boundary of Elverston House than spend even a few minutes in the palace kitchen, having succumbed to my attraction to Calix yet again. For all his arrogance, he hadn’t thrown my decision in my face at all, but I was still embarrassed at myself. No,frustratedwith myself.

There was no need to beembarrassedabout being attracted to Calix. Hewasattractive. And he’d been so understanding when I told him I had nothing more to offer, but that had the unfortunate side effect of making me like himmore.

My desire was prone to overruling my good judgment when it came to Calix, and I was furious at myself for it.

“Everything okay?” Ophelia asked, falling into step beside me instead of walking two steps ahead as appropriate.

“Of course,” I assured her hastily, snapping out of my brooding. “Have you, er, eaten enough over the past few days?”

Ophelia snorted, though her cheeks were flushing again. “I could probably do with a good meal, though don’t tell my husband I said that. He’d feel so guilty.”

It was reassuring to know that the king cared for her, even if he was a littletoogreedy with her.

“Are the others okay? Have you heard anything?” Ophelia asked.

“I’m sure they’re fine, but I haven’t checked. You are my charge. The captain has assigned some other members of the Guard to watch over Elverston House from afar, and escort the Hunters to and from meals in the hall.”

“Good.” Ophelia nodded to herself. “Soren will take care of them, I’m sure. I hope Calix isn’t too put out by the extra mouths to feed.”

She shot me a sideways look, aware that Calix and I had history after a moment where I’d shared a little more than was professionally appropriate.

She didn’t know about the second time.

“Undoubtedly, he’ll be complaining,” I said drily. “Though you shouldn’t feel bad about that. He complains about everything, and I think he secretly enjoys the challenge of cooking for Hunters.”

Ophelia laughed under her breath as we walked the final stretch of corridor that led to the kitchens, Calix’s complaining audible before we’d opened the doors.
