Page 31 of Tristitia

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Levana slowly turned her chair so she was facing me, not protesting when I pushed her thighs wide and dragged her to the edge of the seat.

“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Calix.”

“It’s not possible for this to be any harder, Blue. Drop your shadows.”

She did so instantly, her body relaxing for me even while her mind was reeling. That was always how it had been between us. Levana’s body had always recognized me as hers. It was her mind that disagreed, and despite my best attempts to change it, her mind wasn’t budging.

I pressed her thighs a little farther apart, inhaling her delectable scent for the final time. “You’re going to come on my tongue, then on my cock, and then you’re going to return to your family home with a sore, messy cunt.”

“And what will I be leaving you to remember me by?” Levana snapped, her arousal perfuming the air around us.

“A broken heart,” I told her simply, my claws digging into her thighs while I dipped my head, extending my tongue to devour the sweetest nectar I’d ever indulged in.

“Oh Calix,” Levana whispered brokenly, her hands wrapping around my claws, holding me in place. She may not wantme, but she couldn’t say no to the pleasure I offered her. A bitter part of me took solace in that, confident—perhaps wrongly—that I could make Levana feel things that other Shades couldn’t. That she’d always remember me for the way I made her feel, if nothing else.

Our shadows reached for each other, intertwining as I parted her carefully, my tongue immediately finding her slick center, my favorite flavor in the entire realm filling my mouth.

There was nothing soft and gentle about it. My movements were rough and desperate, torn between dragging this moment out and needing to give Levana everything all at once.

“I’m close—”

I sat up, pulling her off the chair and on top of me as my back hit the floor with a thud. She didn’t hesitate, claws pricking my chest as she braced herself over me, sinking her slick cunt down on my aching cock.

Her thighs trembled, and I knew full well it wasn’t because her muscles were protesting. Levana was stronger than me.

“Tell me how you’re going to walk away from this,” I gritted out. “Tell me that it’ll ever be the same with anyone else. Lie to me.”

Levana’s claws dug into my skin with each roll of her hips, her grip somewhere between clinging and punishing. “You know I can’t. And neither can you.”

“That’s why I’m not the one walking away.”

I grabbed her hips, slamming her down on my cock, my knot preventing her from going any farther. Her pussy was gripping me tightly, already trying to clamp me in place.

My knot pulsed almost painfully, and I wanted more than anything in that moment to feel her walls crushing my knot again, but that wasn’t going to happen. Not on my floor when she was leaving.

Noteveragain. This was the end.

I pulled her down, wanting to hold her close for the last time, and Levana’s hands found my horns, squeezing tightly as her spine arched, her orgasm ripping through her body.

As much as I wanted to drag out this moment, I couldn’t help but follow. She felt so fucking good around me, on top of me. So soft and trusting in these moments when she was usually so cool and unaffected.

Levana relaxed, her body draped over me as she continued to squirm in pleasure, totally lost in her desire. Unfortunately, my orgasms didn’t last as long as hers. The pain of goodbye had well and truly set in for me by the time Levana sighed, pushing herself up with her forearms braced on my chest.

“Let’s not,” I said quickly because it looked like she was about to rip my soul out of my chest with her words. I ran the tips of my claws down her sides, making her shudder. “It was good. We were good. Let’s remember it that way.”

“Okay,” Levana whispered, rubbing soothing circles into the base of my horns with the pads of her thumbs. “I’ll always remember you, Calix.”

Chapter 12

AsmuchasIwanted to leave Calix’s scent on me, I couldn’t face my family like that. I was already on the verge of breaking down as it was. Instead, I washed quickly at his apartment, clenching my eyes shut as he slipped out of the front door while I was in the bath.

The festival was still in full force. He had places to be. He’d already spent far more time away from the kitchen than he would have under any other circumstances.

Besides, we’d said all there was to say, and I was already running late for dinner.

I moved faster than I ever had to finish washing up and detouring via the apartment to grab my bag of hastily packed things.

Fortunately, everyone was too busy at the festival to notice my second exit. I didn’t get so lucky when I emerged on the other side, immediately drenched in the sticky heat of Erith.
