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“Where do we go? Back to Vondiv’d? Is there even anything left of it?” It seemed sadistic to Quint: being forced to watch a lover die, their home broken, all to throw them back into the rubble. “And what if we end up on different planets?” That terrified him more. He’d come from a home that had no space or time travel.

Ariella’s expression changed, more solemn, serious. “Life naturally moves forward, never back: it’s how mistakes are learned from, so you travel to where your souls can flourish and learn of the intricacies of a different kind of life, with different challenges. You may not end up on the same continent, but because your souls are a force that are naturally drawn together, you will breathe the same air as each other. When you step throughThe Grand Portal, the power of your subconscious minds will help you choose the destination of your next journey. Now that you are in sync, your minds know that you are meant to travel together, so rest assured, it will be the best choice for you both and the greater good,” she said soothingly. “Who would like to go first?”

Leo gave an unsteady sigh, then gestured for Quint to step up to the portal in front of them, rippling with an energy that drew him towards it.

“We just walk through?” asked Quint. “There’s no pain?” He’d had enough of that.

“This is a gateway between TheMediunnand the world of the physical form, a conduit that will carry you into your next plane of existence,” explained Ariella. “As for pain? Birth always hurts.”

“But there’s just one portal? Isn’t there one for a Playerand one for a Reboot?” asked Quint. “I’ve made my choice already. How will I know what to do?”

“When you step through, you will come to the threshold of rebirth and it is there that you will know when to make the final decision,” said Ariella. “Trust me. But more importantly, trust yourself.”

In so many ways he didn’t want to, not with what he faced on the other side of that portal. The echo of waves hitting his body, water filling his mouth… losing a hold on Leo…. This wasn’t fear of the unknown, but theknown, all the hell that came with it.

Leo grabbed Quint’s arm, pulling him around to face him. “If you decide to reincarnate as a Player, know that I’ll find you, no matter what. Don’t ever fear that. Just remember, youhaveto believe it. It’ll happen. Promise me you will always keep your faith. As a Player, you’ll have the power of unwavering faith. Learn how to use it.”

“Because it’s how you found me last time, right? Natural forces and atoms.”

Leo nodded, and a kiss brushed his jaw, bringing with it every scent of Leo that Quint would recognise at the core. We’ll always find each other, Quint, no matter what.”

“Please.” Ariella gestured to the portal’s podium.

Quint stepped up, letting out the shakiest exhale, but as he went to step through, offer at least some of Leo’s confidence back to Leo, he frowned as Ariella moved in close and whispered something in Leo’s ear.

Leo looked her way briefly, and the nod he sent her way seemed to take such a long time.

Quint wanted to stop, to stay behind and ask why he looked so serious in that moment, but he went through the portal, merging into an infinite stream of surrounding souls, each travelling to their own unique destination.



The quaint café exuded that all-too familiar aroma of freshly-ground coffee beans, the lure from the hustle and bustle of the outside world that Quint found irresistible. The Brew Box was a place that generated a warm aura that relieved him from his everyday stresses. A place where he could sink into a comfy armchair, hug a warm drink and shut out the chatter of the outside world.

He had an admiration for Mia, who had put so much of her love into The Brew Box, a place where she was once a mere employee. Now, thanks to Quint giving her the confidence to make the place her own, she ran a bustling business that attracted locals and passersby all day along with its fluffy cappuccinos, smooth flat whites and creamy lattes, not to mention her truly delectable pastries.

Quint had become a familiar figure to Mia and her staff since moving into the area a couple of years ago.

“Oat milk flat-white?” asked Hen, Mia’s assistant manager.

“You’re getting good at this.” Quint smiled.

Hen readied her pen and pad before wincing, her chagrin obvious. She looked like she’d forgotten something, and, oh.

“Quint,” he said with a smile, which eased her embarrassment. “That’s me.”

Every time he told someone his name, it brought a smile. He’d secretly hated the name that his parents had given him: Charles, but didn’t want to offend them by changing it back to Quint. However, after their recent deaths, he had decided to make the switch.

As soon as he was old enough and his brain had developed enough biologically for him to remember his past-life fully, he had wanted to change his name, and now that he had, it brought with it a renewed sense of identity.

Remembering didn't come easy at first. Death and birth always threw its own hurdles to jump over for both Players and Reboots. As a toddler, he always felt he was looking for something: a lost toy, a favourite blanket. Then as he reached the age of five, bits of memories filtered through like pieces of Lego, and he'd catch himself talking to an imaginary friend. But at eight?

Memories came in fully, and he knew life was more than lost toys and imaginary friends. Someone was out there who was meant to walk at his side. Finding him was still proving to be the hard part.

As Hen turned to prepare his coffee, Mia, rosy cheeked as usual, popped out from the back with a box of milk, dumping the box on the floor with an alarming thud, then reaching round to massage her lower back.

“Can I give you a hand with those?” offered Quint.
