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Why had it taken me so long to figure out this was what life was all about? Sitting at a table with Indie, Julian, and Ollie’s new boyfriend, Chip, I relaxed back into my seat and let the conversation flow around me. It had been so long since I had friendships, not acquaintances or classmates, but true friends. For years, I'd isolated myself from the other servers here at The Tap Tavern. The reason behind it had made sense in the beginning, but now…

Indie snickered at something Julian said, and I smiled. Allowing these two men to draw me into their orbit was the best decision I’d ever made. Still looking a little shellshocked and flustered, Chip dipped his head bashfully. Our teasing him about Ollie being his Daddy was fun, but only because we all knew it was the truth. From what I’d heard, Chip had survived a tough time in a bad relationship, so I understood why he didn't see that our resident teddy bear, bouncer, and door man extraordinaire had already fallen under his sweet charm and wanted to stay there. It was really sweet.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw one of the main reasons I'd held myself back from my coworkers as he sauntered through the door.Harrison. Ugh. How was it that any time he stepped into my vicinity, I noticed him immediately? This was why I'd kept myself closed off from others. There were plenty of employees at The Tap, but I identified most with the boys since they were kindred spirits. Which made sense to me, but it was something they were completely unaware of. The group of guys I’d been drawn to when I’d first started, affectionately dubbedToby’s crew, had been boys in hard-core pursuit of Daddies of their own. At the time, I'd had a Daddy, and between him and school, there hadn’t been an extra hour in the day to build friendships. By the time the last of them had scored a wonderful partner, my heart had been broken, and my stomach had soured on relationships completely, so I’d kept my mouth shut. The last thing they’d needed was my negativity while they all basked in the glow of new love.

Now, though, the hurt from my failed romance had faded, but from all the chatter, I knew all the men who’d worked or hung out here even better. I knew that ifthey knewI was a boy, too, they'd want to find me my perfect match. I wasn’t sure such a human existed. Besides, I had shitty taste, as I remembered every time Harrison stepped in the door. He was one of Christian’s, the owner of The Taps, Daddy friends that spent a lot of time here. Christian’s boy, Levi, was one of Toby’s crew, so I’d watched all of them become one big chosen family as Daddies and boys came together, leaving only two of Christian’s original friend group single.

One of them, Orson, was a really great guy—soft-spoken and respectable, he would be a dream Daddy. For the life of me, I couldn't understand how he wasn't in a relationship yet. But the other one, Harrison? He pushed all of my buttons. So tall, handsome, and completely self-assured. No, not self-assured, cocky. And the last thing I needed or wanted in my life was another man who thought they were God’s gift to any warm body they desired. Not that I had to worry about him pursuing me. Harrison was the type of guy who didn't date. He was a Daddy who wanted a boy to toy with without committing, which I found gross. Hence why I wasn’t ready to date again. Ishouldwant Orson, but I was drawn to Harrison like a moth to the flame, and I’d take a hard pass on getting burned again.

“Luca, man, where'd you go?” Julian asked, drawing my attention back to them.

“Nowhere. What did I miss?” After one more quick glance at Harrison where he stood chatting at the entrance with Ollie, I focused back on my friends. Chip seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, but Julian and Indie were focused intently on me.

“I asked what your biggest fear is?” Indie asked, smiling encouragingly.

“My biggest fear?” I needed to say something that didn't matter, like a fear of spiders or snakes or something. Admitting that my biggest fear was that I would only ever be attracted to selfish Daddies like Harrison or my ex was way more than I wanted to share. It was great being a part of a friend group again, even this small one, but it was new, and I wasn’t ready to share quite that much information about myself yet.

“How are you boys doing this afternoon and you, as well, Luca? Who's your friend?” The deep, sexy, rasp was the one I dreamed of at night.Harrison.

Think of the devil, and he’ll show up. Annoyed at the way my pulse quickened at the sound of his voice, I ignored him as he was introduced to Chip and sniffed. Leaning over to Chip, I whispered, “I don't suppose your ex's name was actually Harrison, and he went by Harry for short? Because that would fit every man I've ever known by that name.”

Since Chip’s ex was an abusive pariah, I knew I was being a dick with that comparison, but Harrison charmed all of the employees here, and if I succumbed to his smooth nature for even a second, I’d be begging to ride his cock. Maybe I just needed to get laid.

Indie gasped. “Luca.”

Sitting up straighter, I shrugged. “I'm just calling it like I see it.”

Harrison smirked at me, and I wanted to wipe that smug expression right off his face. “Too bad you're not a boy. I'm sure a good Daddy would help you with your manners.”

Immediately, a picture of him bending me over and spanking my ass popped into my head. My dick plumped, and I got pissed. At him? Not really. At myself? Absolutely, but I wouldn’t be owning up to that, so I fired back, “What would you know about a good Daddy? And whoever said I wasn't a boy?”

Shit.Why did I say that? I’d as good as admitted to being a boy, especially with that bratty delivery.Damn. Damn. Damn.If it had just been me, Julian, and Chip, I'd be able to ask them to keep that little bit of trivia to themselves. But Indie, no way. He was newly in love, with stars in his eyes, wanting everyone to be as happy as him, so he was going to take this information and run with it.

Harrison smirked even smirkier than before. “So that's your problem with me? Are you sad I've never shown an interest in you? I can assure you, if I'd known you were a boy, I'm sure we could’ve had a nice night together.”

I saw red, completely aggravated at myself. This was what I was attracted to? This was the type of man that made my body heat up like I was on fire? The type that drew my attention so completely it was like there was no one else in the room? I disgusted myself, but I said, “Puh-leeease. Men like you give Daddies a bad name.”

Harrison and I went back and forth for a moment before I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared at it, dismissing him completely. No point in arguing with someone who had no idea that I was actually arguing with myself. I had no intention of begging this man to let me into his bed, and until I had an ounce of self-control when it came to him, I’d make sure he thought I hated him.

* * *


What the actual fuck?Deep down, I'd had suspicions that Luca might be a boy, but I'd dismissed them. In a place as welcoming and accepting as The Tap, why would anyone hide that about themselves? This place had become overrun with boys in the last several years. Of course, until Luca’s little confession, I also thought all the boys had been paired up with a Daddy.

Shaking my head, I made my way over for my business meeting. This was no time to let my mind wander. Who cared if Luca seemed to hate me? I mean, I cared a little bit. No one ever disliked me. Sometimes other businessmen or Daddies were jealous of me, but that was their own issues, not something I’d done wrong. I was successful, but I didn’t rub that in anyone’s face or treat people like they were less than me.Whatever. Luca didn’t have to like me, and I needed to let it go.

My meeting went well, but instead of leaving, I caught myself glancing over at the table where Luca and his friends were still chatting away. Luca was laughing at something, and like every time I’d spotted him letting go and enjoying himself, my stomach swooped a little bit. What the hell was that about? The boy hated me. And even if he didn’t, I never messed with Christian’s employees. He was one of my best friends, and I'd never bring drama to his establishment. That was one of my golden rules since I never dated or double-dipped with my one-night stands. I used hook-up apps and went places where the boys were looking for the same thing as me, one night of sublime pleasure.

“What's up, Harrison?” Oz, the bartender, asked me when I reached the bar. It was either hang out here, go bother Ollie at the door some more, or head out. Not that I wanted more abuse from Luca, but I really wasn’t ready to leave yet, and I didn’t want Ollie—an old and respected friend—to notice how much Luca disliked me.

“Not a lot.” I jangeld the keys in my pocket. “I'm done with a meeting and thought I'd have a drink before I head out.”

Oz nodded and knocked twice on the bar top. “I got ya, man.”
