Page 160 of Unexpected Temptation

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“I do not.” The line goes quiet. “Well, not everything everything.” I pull the Rolex out of my pocket. The man next to me on the plane was a douche canoe who deserved what he got. Not only was he an asshole to the flight attendants, but he kept giving me snide looks. I could tell he was wondering why I was in first class with him. I mean, so what I hack and steal points to get upgraded? That’s none of his business. I think I preferred the initial snobby looks he was giving me because once he got a few drinks in him, he was giving me different kinds of looks.

“Your driver is pulling up in ten seconds.” I glance over my shoulder seeing the closest surveillance camera and know Magic is watching me.

“You’re an asshole!” A girl about my age shouts into her phone. I can tell she’s about to burst into tears. “You’re married.” Oh shit, this situation does not sound good.

“Your lift,” Magic says into my ear.

“I don’t need your money to get myself back home.” The girl ends her call. Something inside me tells me she does need money to get home. Call it women’s intuition or whatever.

“Hey,” I call the girl. “What’s your name?”

“Ah—” She’s not sure if she should answer me.

“I’m a flight attendant,” I lie. “I can get you a flight if you need it.”

“Really?” Her demeanor changes immediately.

“Yeah.” She gives me her name and where she’s headed. “Check in with Durlex. You’re on the next flight out.”

“Omg, thank you.” She hugs me. I do something nice and now I have to hug. I can hear Magic clicking away, and I know she’s handling it for me.

“Men are dicks.” I hand her the Rolex. “Don’t let anyone give you less than eight grand for that,” I tell her before I slip into my waiting vehicle. She stands there shocked as the driver closes my door.

“That was nice of you,” Magic says.

“Whatever. I just needed to get rid of stolen property.”


“Why didn’t one of you marry a billionaire? Then we’d have a plane.” I huff. Then I wouldn’t have to call Agent Buffy to get Wave onto a flight.

“Vane Bartow is a billionaire,” Magic points out. She just couldn’t wait to slide that in there. I bet she’s so proud of herself over there.

“Okay, I’ll go marry him, and then he has to give me half his shit. Then I’ll have what we came for.”

“Do you want to change your plan of action?”

“That was sarcasm. Vane Bartow isn’t going to marry me.”

“You can just make him.”

I laugh, unable to help myself. That is how she perseveres. She wanted her husband Owen and went full stalker mode. Little did we know he had already been stalking her. I thought he was a serial killer. Wait, he might still qualify. So I was right.

“I’m not his type.” I cringe the second the words pass my lips. Not only because I know Magic is about to try and find out if that is true, but I don’t care to hear about his past lovers. I bet they’re tall and blond with perfect everything. The total opposite of me.


“Don’t.” I try to stop her from digging into any of his past lovers or hookups. I don’t want to know. All I want from him is his technology. Nothing else. Not one thing. I swear it.

“I’m not. I just realized that in everything I pulled up on him, there hadn’t been any romantic connections. I’d thought maybe he had a secret one that he had his assistant Cass buy things for, but those items were for her own wife.”

“You really leave no stone unturned.”

“When it comes to the Bartow family, you can’t.” She’s not wrong there. I haven’t heard anything dirty on the family, but they have money, and have been in the tech and engineering world for generations.

Vane was barely a teen when he and his father helped create STAR. It was short for Systematic Tracking Array Radar. That isn’t public knowledge. STAR can do a lot of things, but what it does best is save lives. There are a few versions of it, but its powerful radar catches missiles while in the air and it intercepts them before they can strike their target.

God, I wonder what his lab and work area looks like. I couldn't imagine the possibility of things I could create if I had the resources he did at my fingertips. The possibilities would be endless if I owned my own setup like his.

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