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“First off, Angelica would try to cut off my balls if I let the Frangiones have her sister. Second, I’d never separate you from the woman you love.”

It hits me like a shot to my gut. Love. I should deny it, downplay it, do anything to distance myself from the idea. But I don’t. I can’t. I’m a violent, vicious man, but I’ve always told the truth, especially to Antonio and Gilly. Just because Antonio saw the truth before I ever realized it doesn’t make it any less true.

I love Bianca Larone.

“Fuck.” I sigh.

“I can relate.” He claps me on the arm again even though I give him a death stare at the contact. “It’s a fucking surprise, isn’t it? But it’s the best one I’ve ever had.”

I can only nod as the full weight of what we’ve discussed lands on my shoulders.

Bianca is mine.

Now I just have to convince her that for her, I’m Fernando, and for anyone who crosses her–I’m their Butcher.



“Did he hurt you?” Angelica’s hands start to roam all over me. I stand there, still in shock. I’ve heard my father speak of the Butcher before. And there had been a few whispers from the men when they hadn’t noticed I was in the room. I could tell by the sounds of their voices that they were terrified of him.

“He can’t be the Butcher.” I finally say. “He likes kittens,” I mutter.

“Did you hit your head?” She starts to feel my skull.

I smack her hands away. “He didn’t hurt me. All he’s been to me is sweet.” I think I’m in a little bit of shock. I knew Fernando had a dark side, but I’d never imagined he could be the Butcher.

“Sweet?” Angelica points her thumb over her shoulder toward the front door. “We’re talking about that man. With the black eyes.”

“His eyes aren’t black. They’re brown but really dark with different shades of brown. They’re darkest around his pupil then it lightens as it goes out. It reminds me of when you melt chocolate.”

“So youdidhit your head.”

“I didn’t hit my head.” I walk over to where Fernando made a space for the kittens so they couldn’t roam all over the house. My sister follows me.

“Tell me what’s going on.” I sit down on the floor and put one of the kittens into my lap.

“Things kind of blew up when Butcher kidnapped you.”

“So he did kidnap me? Just not for a ransom or because you asked him to?”

Angelica pauses at my questions for a long moment.

“I wasn’t going to let you marry into the Frangiones, but no, it wasn’t us who sent the Butcher to collect you. We were still coming up with a plan, but everything blew up when Father figured out it was the Butcher that took you. He thought he’d done it under Antonio’s order so both he and your ex showed up at the house.”

“Stop calling him my ex.” I turn the kitten over to hold her like a baby cradled in my arm. “Why did he take me?” Besides being shocked that Fernando is the Butcher, it's the one other thought that keeps racing through my mind.

“I don’t know. He's crazy. He’s the Butcher.”

“He’s not crazy.”

Angelica cocks her head to the side, looking at me as though I’m off my rocker too for defending him. “You’re really defensive of him.”

“It’s just hard.” I huff out a breath. “I cannot make my mind understand how my Fernando is the Butcher.”

“Your Fernando?”

“You know what I mean!”
