Page 12 of Meowy & Bright

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“By me,” she mumbles.

“But for now, I’m going to head across the street and work on my own yard.” I squeeze her fingers. “I have to keep up appearances.”

“We used all the icicle lights on my place.”

I can’t tell if she’s triumphant or embarrassed, maybe a hint of both.

“I’ll make do.” I let go of her fingers and back to the door. “Be ready for breakfast tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at nine. Is that all right?”

“Nine?” She chews her lip. “Yeah, but can we stay close?”

“Close to home? Sure.” I intend to pick her up and drive her right over to my garage, so this will work perfectly. She has fears and anxiety, probably from whatever happened to her in her past that makes her so suspicious now. I want to soothe her, but I also know pushing her too far, too fast will end in disaster. So, with that in mind, I force myself to open the door and step into the cold night.

She follows and looks up at me, her eyes glinting in the low light. “Well, good night, I guess.”

“For now.” I’m so tempted to kiss her.

Her eyes flutter closed, her lips slightly parted. To hell with waiting. I lean down to claim her, then yelp as something sharp claws at my leg.

Ariadne startles, the spell broken, and looks down at the black kitty who’s been getting Charlie’s tail all in a knot. The furry cockblock.

“Hi.” Ariadne starts to reach out to pet her, then pulls back. “I shouldn’t.”

“Why not?” I crouch down and give her the demanded pets. “Just watch her claws. They’re intense.”

“It’s just …” She drops to her knees and watches with open envy as I pet the stray. “You know what you said at the hardware? The cat lady thing?”

Shit, my teasing hurt her. “I’m sorry, angel. I didn’t know that was a sore spot. Here.” I reach out and take her hand.

She’s trembling.

“Don’t be afraid. Not of me. Not of the cat. Not of whatanyonesays about you.” With my hand resting on hers, we stroke the cat together. The little hussy eats up the attention, a deep purr starting up as Ariadne keeps petting her.

“She likes you.” I meet her eyes. “You’re a natural.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” She frowns.

“I have a cat.”

“I know.” She smiles. “I see it in the window sometimes. A big orange ball of fluff.”

“His name’s Charlie. He’ll love you just like this one does.” I scratch the cat’s dark ears and rise. “You two keep getting to know each other. I’ve got to get back before Charlie realizes I’ve been petting another cat.”

“I can’t keep her.” She’s smiling so big that my heart seems to expand just like the Grinch’s.

“Of course you can. And think of a name, angel. She’ll need one.” I turn and hurry down the stairs so I won’t change my mind and stay.

“Good night,” she calls.

I throw up a hand and wave, then walk in the front door. Charlie greets me, takes one sniff, puts his fluffy tail in the air and trots away.

“Hey, I was just saying hello to that other cat. It’s not …”

He disappears into my bedroom, probably to take a shit in one of my shoes. I’m not even mad. Not when I look out the window and see Ariadne with the cat in her arms as she goes back inside, still smiling as she closes the door.

“You deserve to be happy, angel.” I intend to add to that happiness first thing in the morning.

