Page 137 of Meowy & Bright

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I agree. And when I find the dumbfuck who’s stalking my girl, I’m going to gut him.



“Were you not going to tell me about your busted window?” Eve asks me. I start to answer her, but she stops me. “I said don’t move your mouth.”

I glare at her but keep my lips parted as she applies my lip stain.

“Okay.” She pulls back, inspecting her work. She talked me into letting her do my makeup for the auction. I agreed because I knew it would keep her busy and hope it will stop her from asking me too many questions. I should have known better.

“I forgot?”

“You forgot that someone broke your car window?”

I shrug. “There’s a lot going on. Besides, Crane took it to get repaired for me, and he drives me everywhere these days, so it slipped my mind.” It’s the final countdown to the holiday party. On top of getting everything pulled together, I also have to get all dolled up for this freaking auction.

“Is there anything else you haven’t told me?”

I think for a second. I’d told her some of the things Crane and I have done but not all the details. It’s not that I’m too shy to share with Eve. I know she’d never judge me, but for some reason, I love the idea of the dirty things Crane and I do together being our little secret. I don’t want to share the play by play with anyone.

“Oh, the library!” I remember telling her the story. “He redid all the decorations.” I’m smiling so big my cheeks are starting to hurt. Crane is too good to be true. The man is sweet and sexy with a dash of badass. Okay, more like a whole scoop of badass.

“Hold on. You’re saying not only was your place of work broken into but also your car window was broken? Do I have that straight?” Her face is dead serious now. “Two crimes involving you.”

“Oh.” I think for a moment. She’s right. “It could have been a coincidence. Or maybe it was just some kids who broke my window. I mean, I’ve left my car out there for days on end at this point.”

Eve shakes her head. “Did you report this?”

I cringe at her question, knowing she’s not going to like my answer.

“Liza!” she snaps.

“No, but Crane knows, and he’s in security.” The logic is sound to me. “What’s Clark really going to do?”

“It’s not about him doing something. It’s about there being a record. What if you have some angry stalker?”

I snort a laugh because she’s being ridiculous. “No one is going to stalk me.”

“I love your innocence, Liza. I really do. It’s one of the most endearing things about you, but this isn’t okay. You need to get an alarm installed in your house. You need to protect yourself. Have you ever shot a gun before? We’ll get you some mace for now. You need to be prepared.”

“Slow down.” She’s being a mini-Crane right now. It suddenly dawns on me now why he was so pissed about me not locking my door. He must be thinking along the same lines as Eve. That the two break-ins weren’t random. That someone is targeting me specifically. It explains why he insisted on sleeping over the last two nights. Not that I minded in the least. “Is this why Crane has been all over me?”

“Heisyour shadow. I never see you without him unless you’re at the library working, and there you’re surrounded by people, so he’d know you’re safe.”

“I don’t know if that’s sweet or a blow to my ego.” I huff. That’s why he spent the night. Damn it. I knew things were progressing fast with us, but I hadn’t cared. I’m thinking now it’s not what I thought after all.

“The man is into you. He's so worried about something happening to you he’s up your ass all the time.”

“Good point.” I stand from my chair. My eyes flick to the dress I’m supposed to wear tonight.

“People are arriving.” My mom pokes her head into the back room Eve and I are using to change and get ready. I’ve been here all day. Crane was even here up until an hour ago helping me set things up before he ran home to shower. That was after Eve showed up. I’m sure he would still be here if I were alone. Do they really think someone is targeting me?

“We’ll be right out,” I tell my mom.

“You both look so beautiful,” she says before slipping back out of the room.

“Do not tell her about this tonight.” I point my finger at Eve. Her lips purse. “I don’t want her to worry.”
