Page 17 of Meowy & Bright

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“What’s that?”

I kiss her, taking her mouth as she gasps and stiffens. But that lasts for only a few seconds. Then she melts in my grasp, her lips softening and her arms going around my neck.

She’s so sweet and inexperienced. I tilt her head, aligning her so we aren’t nose to nose, then lick along the seam of her lips. She’s sweet like hot chocolate with a hint of spice. When I lick her again, her lips part, and I delve my tongue inside.

Her little squeak of surprise goes straight to my cock, and I adjust her on my lap so I’m not stabbing her in the thigh. Deepening the kiss, I run one hand through her blonde hair and lightly grip the strands. She responds, her tongue becoming adventurous with mine as we breathe each other in, testing and tasting.

I want to carry her to my bedroom, but I can’t. The door to my office is open to keep air circulating on my server, and I’m running a particularly intricate set of protocols to breach the firewalls and protections of a small island nation in the South Pacific. It has to keep running, but I have only enough time for breakfast and a trip to the pet store. After that, I was planning on excusing myself for a little while to handle the hack. But now that I have her, I’m not sure I can let her go.

Our kiss grows more feverish as she runs a hand down my chest and moans into my mouth. I slide my hand to her ass and squeeze, pulling her close and letting her feel how hard she makes me.

Her little squeal tells me she got the point, as it were, and she wriggles. I take the opportunity to lick her throat and suck the spot right below her ear.

I almost decide to risk carrying her past my office when a low growl makes both of us turn our head.

She gasps. “Are they—”

I cover her eyes and frown at Charlie. “Honestly, man, you couldn’t wait ‘till later?”

Charlie keeps humping Mrs. Claws, the two of them doing exactly what I want to be doing with Ariadne right now.

“Mrs. Claws, you little hussy.” Ariadne laughs breathily.

I sigh and put her on her feet. “Come on, angel. Let’s give them some privacy and head to the pet store.”



Ilick my lips, wondering if what I taste is Brendan or the syrup from the pancakes he made me. Either way, it was all yummy.

I probably shouldn’t be in a car with him on the way to the pet store after he admitted to kind of stalking me, but here I am. I feel a certain comfort level with him now that everything's out in the open. The only other person who’s accepted all my little quirks is Laura. I’m not even going to lie, it’s nice to feel wanted. A lot of people may think it’s weird he knows so much about me, but I don’t find it strange. Isn’t that the whole reason people date before they get into a relationship; to discover things about one another? We’re just sort of fast tracking this whole thing. I’m not even sure where this is headed, but my mind is running in a million directions.

“You okay, angel?” He glances over at me.

I nod. I’m more than okay. Holy holly berries, how things have changed in the past 24 hours. The house I once hated now fills me with warmth and happiness knowing he’s decorated it for me.

My phone dings in my purse. I reach in and pull it out to see it’s Laura.

Laura:Your dot is moving. Where are you going?

Me:To the pet store. How do you do that?

She always knows when I leave the house. It’s part of why I started calling her a spy.

Laura:Magic. Your car is still here.

Me:I’m with Satan Claus.

I should probably call him Brendan now that we’ve kissed. Plus, he made me breakfast and admitted to being my oddly cute stalker, so I think it’s safe to say we should be on a first-name basis.

“All good?” His eyes flick to my phone.

“It’s my friend, Laura. She always knows when I leave the house. I think she’s a spy,” I joke. “We actually don’t text much. She normally just pops in.”

“May I?” he asks when we stop at a red light, then holds his hand out for me to give him my phone. I pass it to him, though I’m not sure why I do.

He clicks on her name then turns the screen back to me. “You share your location with her.”
