Page 22 of Meowy & Bright

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“No,” he says before he walks toward me as if he’s on a mission. He lifts me into his arms. My back hits the wall as he kisses me deeply. His hands and mouth are everywhere as he devours me. He feels so good, and heat sparks all over me in little waves that build with each stroke of his tongue.

I moan out his name as I grind myself against him needing the friction, wanting whatever it is that he’s willing to give me. I pour all of my frustration about him leaving into our kiss.

“I was going to beat his fucking ass.” He groans into my ear before he nips at my neck.

My body goes up in flames. I don’t know if it’s from his words, his mouth or his hands. His possessive tone makes my whole body ache.

“Why would you beat him?” I ask, tilting my head to the side so he can kiss me more there. It feels so freaking good. My eyes fall closed as I keep rocking against him where I need him most. The pleasure it’s giving me is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I begin to move my hips faster.

“Because he wanted what’s mine,” he growls into my neck before his grasp tightens and he holds me closer to him.

“Brendan, I need...” I don’t even know what I need, but I continue rubbing against him until I feel the greatest pleasure I’ve ever felt in my life. I drop my head back against the wall as I moan his name. I’ve had orgasms before, but my hand can’t hold a candle to this.

“You’re sexy as fuck,” he says as he continues peppering me with kisses. I enjoy this moment, every single bit of it.

His hand comes up to caress my face before he kisses me. It’s gentle, unlike what we just did. “Are you okay? I was a little rough. I don’t like seeing another man's hands on you.”

I nod. Is it bad that I’m secretly excited he was jealous? It might be, but obviously we’re both crazy, so it doesn’t matter.

I lean in and kiss him, wanting more of the pleasure he gave me a few moments ago. To my dismay, he places a light peck on my cheek and then lets me down. He makes sure I get my footing before he backs away, letting me see the effect I had on him. I want to lick it.

“No more funny business until we get home.” He waggles his finger.

I want to stomp my foot, but that would make me look silly. I’m trying to hold back some of my weird. “We are home, so maybe just a little more,” I say in a wheedling voice.

He smiles that devilish smile of his.

“Don’t tempt me, angel. I’m barely holding on.”

I take a step closer to him, and he steps back. “I want to take you to the parade tonight, and if I don’t keep my distance that won’t happen.”

“A parade?” I worry my lip between my teeth, not sure how I feel about that. It might be fun, but it might also be scary with so many people around.

“Go put on one of your Christmas sweaters and don’t worry. I promise you’ll have a good time.” The knot that started to form in my stomach melts away, because I believe him. With him close, I know I’ll be fine. When I’m with him, I don’t think about all the other people or what’s going on around me. He’s all I can think about. Well, him and my Christmas display. It’s winning, but now that we’re pretty much on the same team, there’s no need to gloat …openly.



“Idon’t remember ever going to a parade before.” She walks across the street with me as dusk falls around us. The blue sky from earlier has turned to clouds, the thick, rolling kind that promise snow. I suppose the weather forecasts were wrong—the storm is going to get here sooner rather than later.

She straightens the lights along my porch bannister as I unlock the door.

“I just need to get a couple things, and then we can go.”

“Okay.” She kneels to pet Charlie as I head down the hall.

We’re going to get to the parade early, but there’s no harm in that. Not when I need this transaction to go perfectly. Once it’s done, they’ll wire the money to my account, and then I can sit down with Ariadne and plan our next steps. The thought of the two of us charting our own course makes me smile. Maybe she’ll want to travel to all those places she’s written about. Or maybe she’d rather stay right here and move in together. Either way, I’m ready for it. Ready for her.

I unlock my guest room and walk in, then flip on the light to melt away the gloom. Everything’s where I left it, my server hums along at a low pace, and the room has gotten chilly now that the work is done. I turn off the two floor fans and go into the closet. My hackles rise. Has someone been here? The pile of sweaters doesn’t look the same as when I left.

Oh, fuck. Uncovering the safe, I kneel down and turn the dial, botch the combination as my palms grow sweaty, then try again. When the lock gives, I swing the door open, then almost collapse onto the floor with relief when I see the hard drive and the USB key sitting inside just as I left them. The sweaters must’ve fallen to the side a little.Thanks, gravity, for scaring the shit out of me.

I wipe my hands on my jeans, then grab the drives and close the safe. Backing into the hall, I smile when I see Ariadne giving Charlie tons of love. He eats it up, the ham.

Grabbing a reusable shopping bag from the kitchen, I gently place the drives inside, then walk over to the petting-fest going on in the living room.

“He’s so sweet. No wonder Mrs. Claws has a thing for him.” She rubs his tummy as he stretches.
