Page 13 of Knot Your Problem

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I knew something was up. Lexie didn’t back down from anyone. Even Damon, and he was the scariest bastard the world had seen in a long time. The way he had just dominated an entire unit of military trained alphas with a single bark was the stuff of legend.

I felt a similar coiled power coming from Sam now. Only Sam was leaking hot shards of dominance all over the place. Directionless and wild, but potent at the same time. This mysterious alpha who had appeared out of nowhere and claimed to be Maia’s long-lost brother.

All I knew right now came from a rushed message from Max telling me Maia’s brother was on our side and that Damon had taken down all the alphas with a bark. I’d hauled ass down here when Max finished up by telling me Maia was in heat so they were heading for their cottage, and that Lexie had been injured but was down here in charge.

My heart had stopped when I’d rounded the corner and Lexie all but dropped into my arms. I’d hardly breathed until she opened those gorgeous brown eyes and looked at me. Nothing in the world had mattered more in that moment.

Now I was left standing here with the two men she hadn’t been able to make eye contact with and had flinched away from, as much as she had appeared drawn to them.

It had been like watching an invisible game of tug-of-war. I waited for jealousy to strike me, the way it did when any man looked at Lexie for too long. But it wasn’t there. I was wary of their intentions, but not jealous, which confused the hell out of me.

Sam and Dio finally turned toward me as Lexie disappeared up the steps into the kitchen, shadowed protectively by the women and Cary, who gave us all one long, shrewd look before he too disappeared.

I narrowed my eyes at the newcomers. Dio grinned widely at me while Sam glowered. We were in a world of trouble if Dio and Hunter hit it off. They shared the same air of irrepressible mischief. Although Dio appeared more chill compared to Hunter’s restless energy.

“Uh, can I get some help with these restraints?” Nick asked from behind me. I turned and strode toward him, and Nick’s posture instantly relaxed. I couldn’t imagine he’d been keen to restrain a dozen alphas by himself.

“Restrain them in pairs, ankles and wrists. It’s harder to run when you’re shackled to someone, and it will mean they can still eat and tend to themselves without us having to remove a dozen restraints constantly.”

Sam grunted, which I assume meant he agreed. Together, we made quick work of restraining the alphas more effectively. More than a few watched Sam carefully, tracking his movements.

I didn’t know what the hell we were going to do with a dozen captive, highly trained alphas. But I had more pressing problems.

“Nick, can you head back to the security office and watch the cameras? Buzz me if you see anything I need to know about. We can handle this.”

He just nodded and turned away, looking suddenly weary. I think the adrenaline crash was finally catching up with him. Nick was a good man, and he’d done well today, considering he had no military training.

“Eat something sweet, it will help,” I yelled after him. He just waved over his shoulder at me. I knew Max kept a go-pack with some emergency supplies in the security office, an old military habit. Nick would know where it was.

I turned cautiously as I heard a movement behind me. Four men in tactical gear swept out from behind the main building, guns raised. Sam instantly waved them down. They quickly pointed their weapons at the ground, but remained alert.

“What the hell? I thought they had you outnumbered and overrun?” One soldier asked as he took off his mask and stepped forward, surveying the scene in front of him. “You didn’t leave any of these assholes for us to play with?”

“We were, and no. Damon didn’t leave anyone standing, even I didn’t get to play,” Sam grumbled.

“Dammit, I wish I’d seen that,” the soldier replied, scratching his head. Damon was well known in military circles, more than he realized, so it didn’t surprise me these men knew who he was.

I knew how he felt, though. I wish I’d seen Damon in action too, but I’d been stuck up at the gate doing my job. Badly, as it turned out. These alphas tied up on the ground had gotten in on my watch, and I hadn’t even been able to help put them down. It grated on me. Even more so that Lexie had gotten hurt.

Sam turned to me. “Do you want my men to sweep the farm while Lexie gets checked out?”

Before I could reply, the same soldier asked, “Hot damn, there’s an actual Lexie? As in, Lexie kicked an alpha in the balls? I can’t wait to meet her.”

Sam and Dio both growled viciously at him, and Sam took a menacing step forward.

“Uh, Lexie’s an omega and she’s off limits. Reading you loud and clear,” he stammered as he stepped back, holding his hands up deferentially.

“She’s not an omega, she’s a beta. But she’s definitely off limits. She’s Leif’s sister,” I said angrily, heat creeping into my voice. If they knew Damon, they’d know Leif. He was only slightly less scary, unless you really knew him.

Sam and Dio just looked at each other, doing the same silent communication thing Damon and his mates did, while Sam’s team looked at each other in confusion. Clearly, Sam and Dio were acting out of character.

Fuck. This was a mess. I shouldn’t be speaking for Lexie, or warning other men away. Sam and Dio definitely shouldn’t be reacting to Lexie the way they were. Something was going on with Lexie and I needed to find out what, so I knew what was coming for her.

We didn’t have time right now, though. I forced myself to ignore the giant Lexie shaped elephant in the room, and the men that were now giving all three of us curious looks, and concentrated on the issues at hand.

“No,” I said, finally answering Sam’s earlier question. “If your men can relieve the gates for the time being, I’ll get my cadets and some farm workers to do a sweep. They know the farm and the people know them. If your men search the place, they’re likely to get stuck with a pitchfork or hit with a frypan. These people are plucky and will defend their homes.”

I gestured to the alphas sitting around us. “We’ll need to take this lot to the storm cellar under the function center, like Lexie suggested. It’s the most secure place we have. We can hold them there for the time being. Then we’ll need to sort out lodgings for you all and rosters for security and watching the prisoners.”
