Page 20 of Knot Your Problem

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Sam and Dave followed my lead and didn’t react as I subtly maneuvered to get Pala tied up to the alpha with the white rabbit tattoo.

We got the sweep organized by Dave’s team and when we had the all clear, Dave got the community meeting underway during lunch while everyone was in the dining room. He introduced us and our team to the farm residents, then reassured them all the situation was under control.

There was no animosity towards us, like I’d feared there might be. We were adding more mouths to feed and resources were in short supply everywhere. Yet these people welcomed us with open arms and gratitude.

It was clear everyone here had a lot of respect for Dave. He said we were good guys and here to help, and not a single person questioned it. They just got back to work and got on with their day. Even the teenagers had helped, spreading the message about the meeting and finding everyone in their hiding spots.

They were a giant family. They pulled together when times were tough.

Sam had watched me closely when I got into the storm cellar and I’d flicked him the all good signal. He’d just nodded. Sam trusted that I’d let him know what happened when I could and would deal with anything needed in the meantime. It meant we still hadn’t talked about what happened with Lexie earlier, though.

I felt it as soon as Lexie walked into the dining room, like every atom in the air suddenly spun and gravitated toward her, trying to pull me with them. I tried not to watch her openly, not needing any more attention on us, but I tracked her movements discreetly. She gave us a wide berth, ignoring us completely.

Lexie was relaxed and open with the community, though, especially the women in the corner. They must be the women she was talking about earlier when she’d warned us off. Everyone gave those women plenty of room too, but with friendly smiles and a tip of the hat. Only talking to them if one of them approached. Everyone clearly cared about their welfare.

When Dave finished, Lexie had gotten up and reassured everyone that everything was fine in the absence of Damon and his mates. It seemed no-one was immune to her charms. People gravitated to her. She answered everyone’s questions with a genuine smile and a casual flip of that gorgeous hair.

At one point, she tipped her head back and laughed loudly at something another woman said. I was completely and utterly mesmerized. The pull toward her hadn’t lessened with distance and hours. It was like an incessant drumbeat in my veins pounding a rhythm of ‘mine, mine, mine.’

I could sense Sam vibrating every time a man approached her, but he kept himself in check. He was still leaking dominance, though. He usually removed himself when he started leaking badly and worked himself to exhaustion with a punching bag until he had it at manageable levels.

Yet there’d been no time since the attack. I’d pulled Dave aside earlier and asked him about a gym while explaining the issue. He’d just nodded and given me directions to one he had set-up for his cadets in a shed, along with a key.

I lifted my arm away from Sam’s shoulder, where I’d propped myself against him earlier trying to rescue him from his own social awkwardness around strangers, and I handed the key to him. “Go, I’ve got this.”

He opened his mouth to argue, but I cut him off.

“Don’t even try to tell me you’ve got this under control. I can feel you. You’re about to explode. I’m used to you. These people aren’t. You need to go work it off. Now.”

I pushed him and he grumbled at me, but smiled gratefully.

“Just don’t destroy the bag this time. I don’t know where we’ll get another one now,” I called out as he walked away. He flipped me the bird over his shoulder and I chuckled. Sam had become known within our team for unintentionally destroying them with the force of his hits. The guys good naturedly grumbled about it.

I turned back to the room and sucked in a breath as I saw Lexie walking straight towards me like it was no big deal. She had a delicious sway to her hips that I’m sure was the envy of every runway model in existence. It was completely natural, with no artifice.

Glossy waves of pink and red hair slid around one shoulder as she tilted her head and arched a pierced eyebrow at me, daring me to say a word about her approach. I couldn’t. I was tongue tied for the first time in my life. She was a goddess, not meant for this world.

She had the deepest, earthy brown eyes. I felt like they could see right through me. They were lighter than Pala’s. Lexie’s were shot through with gold and had a cheeky sparkle to them.

Her skin was pale, but it seemed to glow from within. Her heart-shaped face and full, apple cheekbones gave her an appearance of being young and naïve, but the dark plum lipstick on those luscious lips and the confident strut said otherwise.

I had leaned casually against a table holding water jugs and she grabbed one, filled up a glass and chugged it. As I watched, she pulled the glass away, and a drop fell to her lips. I almost groaned when her pink tongue flicked out and ran over her full lower lip to catch it.

I didn’t know if she was teasing me or genuinely unaware of how damn sexy she was. I tried not to drop my eyes and check her out, but I failed miserably. She was lushly curvy, like an omega, with enough tits and ass to drive any man wild. She had plenty to hold on to. The dark fitted jeans and white tank top she had on hid nothing. Yet she was taller than a traditional omega, and she also seemed strong, as if she worked out.

“Thanks for your help today,” she said in that husky, sex goddess voice of hers. I instantly flicked my eyes back up to hers, but she didn’t make any further eye contact. I wanted her to look at me again more than I wanted my next breath. Nobody else existed in this moment, with her standing so close yet not touching me.

She discreetly dropped a piece of paper on the table behind the jug, glanced towards me, nodded her head at it, then turned and left through the kitchen door without another word.

I tried not to pounce on it. I really did. But I almost knocked the jug over in my eagerness to grab the note. I snatched up the tiny piece of folded paper and kept my back to the room as I opened it. It was a ripped corner of lined notepaper, and the words on it stole my breath away.

Meet me in the treehouse tonight after dinner - L.

Fuck me.Excitement lit through me as my entire world exploded into possibilities.

If there was one thing I knew for certain in that moment, whatever it was she needed, I would get for her. I would not mess this up.

I just hoped the thing she needed was us.
