Page 43 of Knot Your Problem

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“Calm down. The clothes are clean old ones of the guys, but the underwear was new, just in case anyone needed them.”

Dio was still watching me closely and looked confused. I sighed inwardly. I wasn’t used to explaining my oddities to people. I usually kept my home space pretty private.

“My dad was a dick, and I had to hide a lot as a kid. I learned early to stash snacks and toys in the hidey holes my brother created for me around the house. Eventually, I started leaving clothes in them too. Sometimes I’d fall asleep in there. I know it’s odd. I’ve just always kept up the habit. If you poke around, you’ll find weird shit stashed all over the place. Fair warning.”

“Fair enough,” was all Dio said. He seemed relaxed, although I could see questions blazing in his eyes as they swept over me.

I walked over and kissed him, feeling tenderness bubbling up inside me like fizzy champagne with a strawberry dropped in it. “Thank you.”

“What for?” He asked as he pulled back from where he’d been about to kiss my neck, and his eyes widened.

“Not making a big deal about it and not pushing for answers right now. I just want to enjoy you for a while without dragging up a lot of crap that I’ve left far behind me.”

“Lex, we’ve got time to get to know each other. Yes, I’m curious about how you grew up, but I don’t have to know about it all today.

“My childhood with Pala was pretty idyllic, if a little secluded. Sam didn’t have the same luxury. It took a while for him to open up to us about what he went through. He did it when he was ready, though. I could never imagine forcing him to tell us stuff that was still painful. All I cared about at the time was that he was with us and safe.

“I feel the same about you. If there’s stuff you want to tell me one day, I’ll listen. I may get angry, but never at you. I know all I need to know about you for now. You’re fierce, loyal, and you care about people. I also suspect you’re a little bit wild and you’ll kick my ass if I get out of line. I’m good with all of that.”

Before I could say anything in response, he swatted my ass, and my mouth fell open in surprise.

“Now get this gorgeous ass in the shower, and get dressed, before I get ideas and we end up in bed for another day.”

“Last one there has to give a piggyback ride down to the dining room,” I yelled as I pushed him back down onto the mattress and took off down the stairs. I could hear him laughing as he jumped up and took off after me.

“If you wanted a ride, all you had to do was ask,” he declared, panting, after he fell through the door only just behind me. I’m pretty sure he jumped some stairs, and maybe even the landing, given the thuds behind me and the way everything rattled as I ran.

“I’ll happily ride you later, after our chores are done,” I said as I winked at him.

He groaned and watched me as I turned on the shower and got under it, letting the water run over my body.

“I thought this shower was heaven, but it’s actually hell. You’re never going to get clean because I’m just going to keep dirtying you up out here.”

I shook my head at him. “Chores first, then playtime, stud muffin.”

He smirked at me, as he started slowly lathering soap all over his delectable body and it was my turn to groan. The hunger I had for him was all-encompassing.

“You can eat my muffin anytime, baby cakes.”

“Aaaannnnd, we’re done.” I said, as I rolled my eyes and shut the water off.

“We’re never going to be done, hot stuff,” he chuckled as he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder while I squealed for the second time this morning. He was careful not to jostle me too much or put pressure on my stomach, though, where I still had healing bruises. He’d growled when he’d finally gotten a good look at the one on my head yesterday.

He took me inside to where we’d dropped our clothes and we got dressed quickly. I wanted to head to the dining room and help with the breakfast shift. Someone had been dropping food at the treehouse throughout the day yesterday. I suspected Ava as GG’s arnica cream had appeared, as well. Dio had studiously and gently applied it for me, leaving a tingling sensation all over me, both from the cream and his touch.

A radio had also appeared for Dio so he could check in with Sam. The radio had helped him relax. There had been an underlying tension, even with all his easy going teasing, until he’d known Sam was okay.

Dave had also slipped a note under the door for me, saying he’d told everyone I had a concussion and would be out for a couple of days, and that he was taking care of things. It was sweet of him to cover for me, but there was really nothing wrong with me and I didn’t like to be waited on by people who had enough work to do.

Being an omega wasn’t an illness, and I had to come out sometime. Plus, I was starving. I’d worked up an appetite. I headed for the door, but Dio beat me to it.

“Are you sure about this? People are going to scent you straight away. Are you ready for everyone to know you’re an omega?”

“I’m not staying inside forever, Dio.” I tensed and crossed my arms, preparing for our first fight. But Dio put his hands up in reassurance.

“I’m not asking you to. I’m just asking if you’re ready for what you’re about to walk into.”

I thought about it for a moment. I didn’t want to cause a scene, but I equally didn’t want to stay away from people forever, either. There was life to be lived.
